Soy milk and Hair growth ALERT!!!

You know I currently live in japan and Soy is a HUGE staple in their diets. So how can you explain the fact that they have the skinniest, healthiest, longest living people in the entire world! My employee's grandfather died recently he was 106! and that's common. So that's interesting that the researchers made those statements 99.9% of the japanese ladies I see here are stick thin with hair to their buttes! And yes they put soy in their hair products! So seeing is believing to me! you can't believe everything you read especially not in this case.

In the East soy is fermented while in the west it is not. If you examine the way soy is consumed here vs in the East you will see a marked difference. Some people are not estrogen dominant so they don't see the effect while others are strongly estrogen dominant and see the effect quickly. Just a note - about 3/4 women I know who experienced breast cancer were advised to cut all soy from their diets do to possible estrogenic effect.
i think we tend in this county to take everything out of it's natural context. i'm sure you don t find veggie burgers in japan. yet tofu, miso and tempeh you will find. i keep it natural, and i dont over due as with anything - and my hair grows fast and my dd's hair is 2 inches off of tailbone length so i dont believe that soy slows hair growth - that being said i wont be doing any soy rinses anytime soon.
Okay okay...before anyone swears off Soy Milk...Remember, published work is always disputable...In the research/academic field, we always say what's true today is proven false tomorrow.

I teach Nutrition as an adjunct professor at an HBCU and I tellmy students all the time to read and understand the research, but know it can be disputed. I would wait for more similar studies to come out before I as a Nutritionist would tell people trying to grow hair to swear off soy. For one thing, soy is in thousands of foods prepared in this country. There are more foods (especially processed) with soy..than without soy products in it....

I have been drinking soy and almond milk for years and haven't noticed a decrease in growth rate of my hair....well okay...I wasn't paying attention....the most important thing is to definitely get an understanding of the CONTEXT of these studies, so it makes sense in the real world. I am always skeptical when someone does an article summarizing a study. In grad school we'd all read the same study, and often a few people will get a different understanding of these things....Ultimately as a Nutritionist, we are taught to simply wait for more conclusive research before making recommendations....please do not swear off Soy.....its yummy delicious, and overwhelmingly good for you.
A new study published in the journal Biology of Reproduction reveals that consuming soy milk and other soy products could reduce hair loss and male pattern baldness. How? When the body is destroyed isoflavones from soy products, whose composition was the result of equol, which blocks a form of testosterone called DHT, which has been linked with hair loss and baldness. treatment for hair loss, Propecia, works the same way by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Of course, soy milk, much cheaper than prescription drugs, and there are many health benefits from consumption of soy products. But recent research does not mean that men suffering from hair loss should switch to soy milk?

My view: Soy milk may be able to stop hair loss, but this is only part of the image. Hair loss also leads to premature aging, which is associated with the consumption of metabolic disorders in foods and beverages. These chemical ingredients like white flour, corn syrup, fructose, high, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils, aspartame and MSG slowly poison the body. One of the best ways to prevent hair loss to begin the selection of healthy foods and not eating any junk food consumed by the standard of most people.

Another important point here is that soy milk is good for you whether it helps hair loss. I consume on a daily basis and do not think that cow's milk to the touch. cow's milk, it turns out, causes chronic sinus infections, asthma, constipation and a number of other health problems that fall under the category of "stagnation." Give the cow milk and switch to soy milk is a good nutritional strategy for men and women regardless of their risk of hair loss.

Bottom line? Soy milk may in fact have hair loss, and this is one reason to start drinking, but much, much more. And, frankly, he can not stop your hair loss pure and simple, whatever. But to do it "wrong to try and see. Give yourself a few months to determine the outcome.
Remember for years how eggs were bad for you, and now I'm seeing that eggs are good for you. I also remember reading about how skim milk is bad becuase it does not have the fat that whole milk has and vice versa. Sometimes you jue to listen to your body. For instance My body can't deal with skim or soy milk, so i'm stuck on rice, and almond milk.
prettyblac said:
You know I currently live in japan and Soy is a HUGE staple in their diets. So how can you explain the fact that they have the skinniest, healthiest, longest living people in the entire world! My employee's grandfather died recently he was 106! and that's common. So that's interesting that the researchers made those statements 99.9% of the japanese ladies I see here are stick thin with hair to their buttes! And yes they put soy in their hair products! So seeing is believing to me! you can't believe everything you read especially not in this case.

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My thoughts exactly!!! Scientists will say one year something is bad for you and then a year or so later, they discover that its not as bad as they thought or harmless. If we listened to the *experts*, we'd be paranoid about everything.

Thats how i feel about it too.:yep:....I LOVE me some Silk milk and my hair is Waistlength. Plus have you all ever noticed how every year they seem to change up the statistics on women drinking a glass of red wine every day and breast cancer? One year its good....the next year its bad.

So i'll believe it when i see it. When they start making CONSISTENT statements i might give them some credit. Freakin experts....:grin:
My husband switched to Almond Milk but I prefer the taste of Soy. Is fermented soy better and if so can it be bought in the u.s.?
:( I hope this isn't true...or at least doesn't affect hair growth in the way stated in the article and by fellow posters in the thread.

I definitely have Silk Pumpkin Spice, Eggnog, AND Original flavors of soymilk in my fridge right now. :fridge: :lick:
The problem is with processed soy because our diets in the US are so full of processed foods that include soy fillers including most prescription drugs. If you eat very little processed foods soy is not an issue but if you eat processed your getting an overdose of soy. The Asian cultures each a different type of soy than the processed stuff.
Try Almond milk or whey protein for a better alternative.
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Thanks for the info. I understand it's a personal choice but I stopped eating soy for the reasons listed by Dr. Mercola in the following video, just wanted to share:

eh.... I drink soy in moderation..usually just with cereal...I haven't experienced negative side effects from it, however I have been eyeing almond milk n e way,so once I finish my carton of soy milk... I'm gonna give almond milk a try...