Southern Tease

I just saw your blog on your human hair weft that you made. Can you please give more detail as to how you made it. Did you just sew the weft to a ribbon. And how do you attach the ribbon to your hair.
I just saw your blog on your human hair weft that you made. Can you please give more detail as to how you made it. Did you just sew the weft to a ribbon. And how do you attach the ribbon to your hair.

:blush: Trial & error... but yes I did that...
no rhyme or reason to what I do...
it didn't work out well... looks good in pics
but i wouldn't wear it out... it slipped
because it didn't have a way to hold it in place
I experiment a lot... it's fun... you should too
I'm not an expert... can't give tutorials...
it was just something I did one day when I was bored.
But, you should try or buy it already made from