Sorting out the smiley list...


Well-Known Member
I love the smilies but would it be possible to seperate them into categories and possibly clear out some of the ones that never get used:look:
Well, it CAN be done, (alpha, I dont think it can be seperated into categories, I could be wrong tho) however they appear on the list in the order they were uploaded, as smilies are added, they just become number 301 or 302. So in order to do it he would have to remove all of them, reorder them, and reupload them. Nikos is the only one who has direct access to the server to change them. He may be willing to do this, but I think some of the other board issues are taking precedent right now.
Well, it CAN be done, (alpha, I dont think it can be seperated into categories, I could be wrong tho) however they appear on the list in the order they were uploaded, as smilies are added, they just become number 301 or 302. So in order to do it he would have to remove all of them, reorder them, and reupload them. Nikos is the only one who has direct access to the server to change them. He may be willing to do this, but I think some of the other board issues are taking precedent right now.

I think it'll be worth doing. I hope he finds time to do it.

Also, I think it would be great to add more smilies (that are commonly used) to the generic list that appears when posting. :yep:
My smiley list seems to always change. One day I will have that smiley, another day I won't.

I see smilies that a lot of members tend to use but I don't have them.
I was just about to make a thread about this. Is their a way to have like a top 10 or top (whatever) smilie list so we can just pick our most frequent ones from that list to the right?