
New Member
Sorry, for asking so many questions but, I'm a newbie to wearing out my hair. I just got it done for the first time in 10 years on Saturday morning and I think its time to cowash. My hair feels so dry because I tried to dry baggy by putting Moisturizer and Oil on my head and I woke up and my hair was so wet. I guess my scalp was sweating like crazy.

But, am I being too jumpy??? I was want my hair to be properly moisturized.

Thanx in Advance Ladies.
I have worn weaves and braids for the past 10 years. But, I have decided to bite the bullet and start wearing my real hair. I got it done and to my surprise it was right at by brastrap. My Hairdresser told me my ends needed to be clipped and she clipped them a little and told me to take care of them. SO, now after my baggying incident it has been a little dry feeling and my ends are catching on to mt clothes and I don't want them to break off.

So, should I co-wash and moisturize my ends this soon or leave them alone??
If you baggied your whole head I don't think it's uncommon to end up with wet hair. Baggying may not be for your hair though. It's hit or miss with me. Or you might need different products if your hair is feeling weird to you.

If you're ready to cowash now then go ahead.
Sorry that I missed your other questions, but if you've been in braids and weaves for so long you might want to deep condition your hair for a few days, and then commence with co-washing. I just came out of having braids for 2 and half months (never, ever again will I do such nonsense :nono:) and that's what I've been doing. On Saturday, after taking my braids out, I did a 30 minute deep conditioning treatment using DevaCurl One Condition and Miss Jessie's Rapid Recovery, a 5 minute intensive protein treatment using Joico Kpak Reconstructor, and then I put in the DevaCurl One Condition overnight. I don't know if I really needed the protein treatment but I did it just in case. If your hair has been dry for so long, you might need to up the moisture factor and then start a regular routine of co-washing. Just my two cents! :)
Hair is most fragile after being in braids for long periods of time. I would leave it along for a few days (let it breathe under a silk scarf) then DC for 2 hours under a hot dryer, then co-wash.