Sore Scalp??


New Member
Does anyone else think the sore scalp that some of us experience with new growth comes from shedding?

I notice that my soreness really gets crazy when my shedding starts.
Yes, and I also feel that soreness when my hair is growing. I use Surge on a regualr basis, but there are times that I have to give my scalp a break because it gets sore from the surge of growth. Its a good thing though!
On Christmas Eve, when I re-did my bun in the morning, my scalp was really sore. :ohwell:
Later on that day, I started to have the worse headache ever! :eek:
I took a couple of Tylenol PMs which knocked me out. :ill:
But when I woke up to open presents at 12am on Christmas day, the soreness and headaches were gone. :D

I think the soreness is from the new growth. :) This is the most new growth I ever had and my scalp has never been sore before.:crazy: Could it be from using Surge and taking those Super B-Complex vitamins? :look: Well, as long as I know my hair is growing, I'm satisfied. :antlers:
i thought other scalp conditions was causing doin alot more itching than usual..but i can dig the growth thing
Yeah, I have been scratching like the dickens too. That probably has something to do with it too.

I used to think it was from greasing my scalp when I did it regularly. Now that I am using WGO directly on my scalp, I think it is contributing to it. Oh well, I'm gonna have to deal because I'm loving the growth.

Mecca, so you don't experience this when you have a growth spurt with natural hair? That's interesting.

PoohB, you are getting down with the growth girlie!!