Sore scalp when oling/massaging


New Member
Does anyone else get a sore scalp when massaging it with oils? I have a very quiet scalp, until I massage it with an oil: it feels very good at first, BUT whenever I do it, the day after I wake up with a very sore scalp. It happens every single time, otherwise a sore scalp is something that would never happen to me. Is it a good thing (i.e. circulation) or a bad thing (i.e. my scalp is complaining)? I ask because I have no experience at all with massaging/oiling my scalp and maybe you have done it many times.
Thanks in advance!
It's these nappy roots rubbing against my scalp like Brillo. I do it after flat ironing or some other straightening to remedy that problem.

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I get a sore scalp if I massage to often. My scalp just doesn't like too much friction:) I gently massage my scalp max 2X a week now because it is relaxing. I also noticed when I use to put more pressure while massaging my scalp would hurt.
This happens to me if I don't use enough carrier oil with my teatree oil and if I do it too often like everyday. Have u tried different oils and if so does it still happen? If so maybe try doing it lighter and less often. My scalp is actually sore right now lol but that's because I went a little crazy with my hair brush :/
Thanks ladies, very useful info. I don't massage often but I definitely make those mistakes: too much passion (lol) and almost no oil. I will GENTLY try again on wash days, when my hair is also more stretched from the braidouts and when I can go crazy with the oil.
I have a similar problem, except as soon as i start massaging with oils my scalp gets sore AND starts itching like crazy :/

I just stopped oiling because i assumed i'm maybe allergic to one/some of the essential oils in my mixture
Too much manipulation makes my scalp sore. I find this to be especially true when I have a lot of ng and I'm nearing a TU. Letting my scalp rest for a few days resolves it.
Thanks ladies, very useful info. I don't massage often but I definitely make those mistakes: too much passion (lol) and almost no oil. I will GENTLY try again on wash days, when my hair is also more stretched from the braidouts and when I can go crazy with the oil.

Lol @ the bolded. sorry i dont have anything to add. i just thought that was hilarious :lol: