Soooo I realized maybe I'm allergic to sulfur?


Well-Known Member
It takes me a little agile to catch on but I get my best growth from sulfur products. I stop using them and forget why and then I use them again.

So I ordered mtg, put some in yesterday, and now I have a killer headache. I'm pretty sure it's the sulfur. :( does this mean I'm allergic?
I would think if it was an allergy, you'd have some sort of skin reaction. But I could be wrong. Maybe the concentration of sulfur is too high? I don't use sulfur topically, but when I use MN undiluted it gives me a headache.

And I don't know how this would work if you're putting it on your head, but some people get headaches when they take MSM pills. So it might just be a sulfur thing, but not necessarily an allergy.