Sooo...what do ya'll use to treat chemical burns?


Well-Known Member
Because I got my relaxer on March 16 and my scalp looks like someone went to my head with a nail studded bat. :(

Dr. Miracle No Lye....never again. Plus I need a corrective now since I had to wash that one right out.

I haven't had a chemical burn since I started taking care of my hair back in 2004. So what can I use to take care of these (about 6 large) scabs? All I remember was applying copious amounts of vaseline and slowly combing the scab away over a period of a few days...But there has to be a better and less damaging way. Help.
I don't get scalp burns realy at all now. If i do they scab and come out a day later or the next wash.

Anyway, My sister in law is a beautician and when I did have a bad perm, she suggested I use vitamin E. It healed the scabs pretty fast. You could get a little jar of pure vitamin E at CVS.
Aloe vera gel works quite well for burns, if you don't have an allergy to it. Very soothing, too. Otherwise, a nice oil like EVOO or Vit. E, as Shinka wrote, is really good too. Be very gentle with the hair around the scabs and you should be fine in a week or so.
That's weird; I just saw my neighbor and all of her hair broke off (no exaggeration). I asked her what happened since she was taking very good care of her hair (washing/conditioning regularly; no heavy oils, etc. etc.). Her hair had grown from 1" to about 6" in a little over a year (and because of this relaxer it's less than one inch). So we were talking, trying to figure out what happened and she mentioned that she used Dr. Miracle No-Lye relaxer. I said ... wow I have never seen something like this happen so shortly after someone relaxed their hair; so it's got to be the relaxer.

And now you say that it burned your scalp very badly; I know it wasn't anything she did wrong.

Anyway ... I'm sorry that this happened to you and I would suggest that you put Neosporin on all of the burned areas. It heals very quickly. I would also suggest that you do a deep protein treatment to prevent anything like what happened to my neighbor to happen to you.

Maybe someone should file a complaint against this company. :mad:
Back when I used to get relaxers, I had got a burn from the relaxer not getting rinsed completely out- my nape was raw and oozing and I had to go to the ER to get a steroid cream that had to be put on two or three times a day to speed up healing and regenerate new tissue growth. It was a painful, gross experience.:mad:
cortaid and neosporin! I would avoid vaseline bc although it is soothing it won't kill germsand prevent infection. try not to rub the area when it starts to itch. I am so sorry this happened but it will heal. After the scabs have gone try a little emu oil instead of petrolleum to sooth the areas.