Sooo... I need some advice..I think i want to stretch for at least 6 months


sliding under the radar
I'm two months in already. I'm thinking of buying and electric hot comb to lay down my roots in the process. My roots can get very dry so i have been using s-curl to soften them up. I am currently apl and hoping for bsl soon but i want thicker hair first. My dream is to have Allandra's head of hair.:grin: Any advice or tips you ladies can give me with handling the new growth?
1. Hot combs are not good for relaxed hair. Unless you know what you're doing, they can be tricky on natural hair as well.
2. There are lots of ways to lay your edges down - like using scarves. You don't want to use any type of direct heat on your edges every day. Keep them moisturized and tied down and they will lay flat. Note: if you straighten your hair, use a flat iron on clean, dry hair that has some type of heat protectant in it. Wrap, cross wrap, or pin curl at night to maintain. Limit direct heat to no more than once a week, less if possible.
3. When stretching, it's good to do low manipulation styles like braidouts or bantu knots. Twist - outs can look thin on relaxed hair.
4. I believe Allandra rollerset throughout her transition. You can look for rollersetting tutorials on youtube.
5. You can also look for "tips for stretching relaxers" on youtube. Here's two vids by Traycee:
YouTube - Tips For Stretching Your Relaxer
YouTube - 22 Weeks Post Relaxer ..Stretching Tips

Also, vids by Nina Pruitt are good. She is transitioning and is well over one year post-relaxer.

6. Deep condition alternating moisture and protein. Moisture to soften your hair and keep it moisturized, of course. Protein helps to reinforce the line of demarcation and prevent breakage.
7. Slowly increase the time you stretch. (But, if you're going for Allandra's hair, she is natural so you would be trying to transition....)
8. I do braidouts and buns religiously when stretching. Once I get past 4 months, I co-wash to keep my hair moist.

I've learned to work with my texture, rather than against it. I don't believe in constantly straightening new growth.
Also, what have you done to get to and maintain APL? You might be able to just keep doing what you're doing!
Well I'm doing braids which allow me stretch 5mths.. I may stretch for a little bit longer this time.. Not sure if you want to try braids to help u along the way...
What is the longest you've stretched for? Because if you've only ever relaxed at 6/8/10 weeks previously, 6 months is going to be, well a stretch for you. It is a very big jump and you have to be prepared to manage those two textures very well.

This is a good thread that may help.

PS: The hot comb idea is not a good one, it would singe off the hair of a lot of relaxed heads, you would have to do the roots only. I did it once unscathed but I wouldn't recommend it.
i just really started using coconut oil and i must say it leaves my hair very soft and my new growth isnt as dry :yep:
i stretch for 6 months every summer through the winter and for me the best thing to do is wear protective styles. weaves, wigs, braids, buns...anything to keep the manipulation low, but still allows me styling options.

also, doing protein treatments once about every 6 weeks to 8 weeks focusing on the demarcation line to prevent breakage. and at about 4 months, deep conditioning for at least 30 minutes becomes a necessity to help with tangling. (i always deep condition, but for about 15 minutes or so)

i also find that prepoo-ing with added oils into my conditioner helps at the 4 month mark as well.

i've been doing these 6 month stretches for 3 years now trying to prevent relaxer
run-off damage to my hair's ends.

i texlax and stretching seems to work well for me to help retain growth and thickness becuase my hair is thin.
What is the longest you've stretched for? The longest i have gone is about four months and it got very hard. Because if you've only ever relaxed at 6/8/10 weeks previously, 6 months is going to be, well a stretch for you. It is a very big jump and you have to be prepared to manage those two textures very well.

This is a good thread that may help.

PS: The hot comb idea is not a good one, it would singe off the hair of a lot of relaxed heads, you would have to do the roots only. I did it once unscathed but I wouldn't recommend it.

Thanks so much. Great advice. I think i would just want to touch up my roots with the hot comb but i'll pass that idea up. I don't want to mess my hair up.
Also, what have you done to get to and maintain APL? You might be able to just keep doing what you're doing!

I have gone from Neck Length to APL but just washing and deep conditioning every week. Protein treatments every other week. I think i may get to BSL if i put more umph in it and i am really considering going natural. It's just been so hard for me. My edges are thin so i don't wear my hair pulled back or touch my edges at all. I don't even relax them. I would never use the hot comb on them.

Thanks for the advice.