Sooo...I Am Two Years Natural, hehe. (pics)

Yay!! A new hair idol!

It's so lush and thick and healthy!! 'scuse me while I go off and fan myself.

Gorgeous hair OP!
That's awesome growth. I'll be at the 2 year mark in July and I am NOWHERE near that. I had a set back.

Your hair is thick and healthy... absolutely beautiful!!
How the french toast did I miss this thread the first time around?!?!?

Great progress and I'm so jealous of your hairs thickness!!!!
Aww I love it! You hairs so nice and full! Love the texture!.... I lol'ed when you said you felt the wrath...I pictured a group of people circling you with pitch forks and stones...dramatic lol
Gorg! I do not know how I missed this thread! There should be a section exclusively for hair updates. That's my fav part of LHCF! lol

1. Are the pics 2 years after your BC or 2 years after your last relaxer? (no shade, just trying to compare as my 2 year anni post-relaxer approaches)

2. Is your hair stretched in the natural pics?

I love your hair and thanks for the inspiration! The creamy crack has been speakin to me..."just get a texturizerrr" it whispers in my sleep. LOL

But thanks to you, I am encouraged that I WILL achieve my desired longer look. I just gotta be patient! :D
Thanks again ladies for the love!!! :spinning:

How the french toast did I miss this thread the first time around?!?!?

Great progress and I'm so jealous of your hairs thickness!!!!

@Mz.MoMo :lol: french toast. I want some now. :(

Aww I love it! You hairs so nice and full! Love the texture!.... I lol'ed when you said you felt the wrath...I pictured a group of people circling you with pitch forks and stones...dramatic lol

:lol: They called me everything but a child of god. A couple put hands on me. :lachen:

You make me hopeful for my very own two year mark! Your progress is amazing and your regimen is so consumer friendly.

HighAspirations I really would try to dabble in those lovely natural products, but I's broke. :lol:

Gorg! I do not know how I missed this thread! There should be a section exclusively for hair updates. That's my fav part of LHCF! lol

1. Are the pics 2 years after your BC or 2 years after your last relaxer? (no shade, just trying to compare as my 2 year anni post-relaxer approaches)

2. Is your hair stretched in the natural pics?

I love your hair and thanks for the inspiration! The creamy crack has been speakin to me..."just get a texturizerrr" it whispers in my sleep. LOL

But thanks to you, I am encouraged that I WILL achieve my desired longer look. I just gotta be patient! :D

MsAminta LOL! I understand.

1. Those pics are two years after my BC.

2. Yes...well, semi-stretched. I did the tension method blow out. It was suppose to be a braidout, but that was what was left after the rain hit it hard that night. :perplexed
What...the $%#!
::looks at your pics::
::looks at mirror::
Sigh. Dang.
::Puts haterade down:: GAWJUS!!! That is some supernatural growth you got! And only 2 years?! :worship2: