Sooo...did I fail the HYH challenge? (pic overload)


Well-Known Member
I think I failed but I just had to stop wearing a bun and wear my own hair! I saw this really cute hairstyle on Alyssa Milano on Charmed, and I wanted to try an easier version of it. So I washed my hair like normal (I switched my shampoo back to ORS Creamy Aloe because I found that the culprit for my dry, tangled hair was Burt's Bees shine shampoo, and the ORS is the only other one I had :look:). DC'ed with Silicon Mix with jojoba oil and wheat germ oil added (which was heavenly!) and detangled and dried my hair to about 80%. Then I ponytail rollerset in 15 ponytails using Biotera medium hold (just what I had on hand) and air dried overnight. I took out all of my rollers the next morning and VERY lightly flat ironed the roots with my Remington flat iron on 360 degrees. The style is simple. One ponytail on top, one in the middle, and pin back the nape area. For the harder version (which really isn't that hard), just flat twist or finger roll the sides of the middle ponytail. I'm going to try that tomorrow.

DH couldn't get enough of this style! He's still complimenting me at this very moment! :lol:

Also, I'm grazing APL, but you can't tell in these my length IS still hidden... :look: PLEASE don't kick me out of the HYH challenge ladies!!!:prettyplease:




Also changed my hair accessory



Boy did you fail! :lachen: You're fired! :lol:

But it was well worth it. :yep: Very cute style.

Maybe if you talk nicely to them or bribe them with products they'll let you back in. :p
um yea:lachen:.... very cute style though :grin: I'm not sure, lets see what twana and coco says....ur length is still hidden technically sooooo good question.
well the results of this style is cuuute, and if you been ps since march, that's plzzz let her pass:grin::yep:
you look so cute they won't be able to kick you out and it doesn't look apl......... so maybe you have hit a loop hole.... maybe.
I'm not the leader of the challenge but as you said in your post your actual length is still hidden so you are good to go.
Your hair is gorgeous!!!!

I think you get like 3 passes to wear your hair out. One down with another 5 1/2 months to go :grin:.
All the women on this board are so pretty! Love your face and your hair is so cute! I was studying it from every angle, lol.
Thanks for all of the compliments ladies! I hope this style can help others having any styling issues. Good luck! I'm only going to use one more pass in November for Thanksgiving, then I'm hidden for as long as possible.:grin: I'll post a pic with the sides twisted if I get the chance.