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But now he is back! I got my baby back!

Sometimes I think we can try to guard our heart so much that we push love out and away not even realizing it. We think we have to be strong and lose the whole war while trying to win a few battles refusing to show our need to and for love and our 'weakness'

I took some time to myself! I guess to know myself better, I felt lost, for whatever reason. He aint no angel or no cake walk either , I suppsose thats why, unreal expectations, wanting it to be easy , more 'my' way. Well I got to know myself, and I found out that I aint no damn cake walk either and I'm just the same ole me I have been, nothing new there, but I like the ME I am when I am with him a whole lot better than the me without him!

I am blessed to have learned an even deeper appreciation for selfless love when I thought I knew it all already, I learned I dont know as much as I think I DO ,when it comes to love , it dont play by rules! HE LOVES ME! and I mean he loves me just as I am no false pretense bulllshyt! and for that I am blessed! Thanking God we found our way back through our own self demise bullshtyt! We held eachother and cried, we knew we were back home again!
Is this the one who used to help you with your hair?
no, but I got another one that will :yep: I know everybody wanted that love story to have a happy ending, I did to! badly! took me years to get over him (see the video post I did) he changed and it was painful, but I am all healed now and have an even greater love! yay! God made that possible

I'm happy you're in love, connected and at peace!
Girl its a challenge, I was single a long time-hard to now not be single-minded,but I'm working on it! Thank you mama

I feel that way sometimes - love has no rules

rules are for games

love isnt a game
It sure doesnt and it sure isnt!
You know something? I was wondering the same thing:yep:

He was put in my life for a reason, well actually many! He was a beautiful man! I messed up that relationship (well so did he) I broke up with him and he never ever forgave me or stopped making me pay for it. sad ending, but I realized the 'purpose' for that relationship was over. I lived with huge regret for years! Until I realized, it was simple, I still loved him and he did me, and it was his choice to live in unforgiveness and revenge! we both lost! But things worked out for the best, despite all the pain