Something new for progress in 2.5 years! (lots of pics)


New Member
I started my hair journey in July 2008 and I started seing results by Septembet. My Shoulder length hair leapt to APL! Since then, I have tried growth aids, weaves and powders :lol::lol:!

I have texlaxed my hair between January 2009 and November 2009 and decided to transition in January 2010! I am now over 14 months post texlax and I am loving it! I wish I'd decided to go natural sooner but I guess I wasn't ready! If you told me 2 years ago I would be transitioning, I'd ask you to buy a new crystal ball....that one MUST be broken! :blush:

I'm keeping it simple with my regimen and currently am doing a braid with me challenge hosted on my website, and my youtube channel: Lolascrib. I spritz daily with moisture mix (water, aloe vera juice and diluted conditioner). :grin: I know co-washing, deep conditioning and bunning really helped my hair retain alot of length, but I need to stop over-manipulating my hair (too many out-styles in the summer of 2010). Now I tend to do buns with my kinky twists and I can't wait for longer, thicker natural hair. I do plan to transition for at least 2 years, however, because I am too attached to my length. Plus, I want to see how long my hair can grow (aiming for tail-bone combined relaxed/texlaxed/natural length!:yep:).

Here are some pics! Thanks for reading, ladies and for guiding me on my journey. Feel free to check out my website (links to my fotki on there).

September 2008 to July 2009

December 2009 comparison pics

July 2010

January 2011
Congrats to you. Very impressive!
Thanks, hon! Just plodding along, dreaming of longer hair..:lol:

Nice progress...crazy thickness :drunk:
I love the thickness too! I can't wait for more as my natural hair grows out! Texlaxing showed me I loved me some thick hurr! :grin:

very nice progress!!!
Thanks, hon!

Nice progress!!! Your June 2010 is my goal length. *off to stalk*
Wow, thanks hon! I'm sure you'll get there and then increase your goal length -like I!

Excellent progress.
Thanks, hon!

great progressivethanks for sharing. I can't wait till my hair is longer *sigh*
You'll be there in no time, hon! Stick with the ladies on this forum. so helpful and inspiring!

This is REALLY great progress and retention. Congratulations and keep doing what you're doing!! :grinwink:
I will! I have managed to cut shampooing out of my regimen completely and I hope to KISS for the rest of 2011! Thanks, hon!

Thats alot of growth for two and half years and it looks good
That's really good to hear! I thought my hair growth was slowing down - I need to take progress pics more in 2011.

You have done a wonderful job on your hair. Absolutely beautiful!!
Thank you, hon! I'm learning and growing!

Nice progress :yay:
Thanks, hon!