something like sabino moisture block helppp


New Member

I had a bottle of moisture block... i went to spain and when i got into the hotel the serum was all over the place....
I almost cried... but thats an other story haha
I am back in holland now and i ordered a new bottle. But here is the problem...i´ve got a party saturdaynight...were going to the club... and the moisture block will arrive next week!! :perplexed
Does someone know a alternative... something that works as good... we have almost everything here in holland but the sabino moisture block not.


Lots of love,
I've never used Sabino and I've never cared to because John Frieda's Frizz Ease Serum and Thermal Protection Serum have been da bomb to me for almost 20 years now! I can't compare them to Sabino coz I've never used Sabino so can't say if they work the same. JF has never let me down.
hmmm forgot about john frieda... does your hair revert? Or does it stay straight untill the next wash...thats why i use sabino moisture block..
hmmm forgot about john frieda... does your hair revert? Or does it stay straight untill the next wash...thats why i use sabino moisture block..

No my hair does not revert. I do not use any other product when I straighten my hair. I just condition with a thermal protection product (CHI) and rinse. Then no moisturizer, nothing. I just use JF Heat Protectant spray for the first pass, then JF Heat Protectant Serum (both from the Frizz Ease line) for the second pass...and no reversion, no smell of burning hair, no heat damage. I honestly think using a bunch of things along with a serum is why they seem not to work. I think they have to be applied directly to your strands and very uniformly to work. By not using anything else on my hair, I ensure that adhesion of product to hair is 100% perfect.
John Frieda Frizz Ease works for me! And you can buy it at any drugstore. I always snatch up a few bottles when they're on B1G1 Half off.

ETA: I use the frizz ease on my hair before I blow dry and use CHI spray heat protectant before flat ironing. I've tried a lot of things but these two products together have given me the best results to date. I didn't like Sabino. It weighed my hair down and made it sticky. And my hair still reverted some.
I'm grateful for the recs because I havent tried any of these things however as a relaxed heard trying to stretch I have a very hard time with reversion so I hope these work for me.
I used Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum. It smells great and gave me better results
I use PM super skinny serum along with Aveda's Brilliant anti-humectant pomade Like Nonie said, I use them on well moisturized, clean hair w/o any other products to ensure adhesion of product. I actually got rained on and my hair did not revert. It didn't leave my hair weighed down or greasy either.

OT: John Frieda huh? I have tried some of his products before and liked them. I'll have to give that serum a try.:yep:
I'll challenge all of these products against Sabino Lok and Blok which is the replacement for Sabino Moisture Block. Those of you that have not tried Sabino, there is no comparison. Google Lok and Blok and read the info on the site. Remember, not all hair texture is the same.
I'll challenge all of these products against Sabino Lok and Blok which is the replacement for Sabino Moisture Block. Those of you that have not tried Sabino, there is no comparison. Google Lok and Blok and read the info on the site. Remember, not all hair texture is the same.
Welcome to the forum, sabino :giggle:

For the record, I used to swear by the original but I can't get with the new formula. Change it back, please. :look:
No free ads!:ohwell:

I'll challenge all of these products against Sabino Lok and Blok which is the replacement for Sabino Moisture Block. Those of you that have not tried Sabino, there is no comparison. Google Lok and Blok and read the info on the site. Remember, not all hair texture is the same.
The MB formula was a little thicker, the Lok & Blok formula is exactly the same except we added one extra cone for easier application and you have to use a little more.

We have discovered a new way to use Lok & BLok that really saves money and distributes the product evenly through the hair. Add a squirt of L&B to any conditioner after shampooing or if you "no poo". Run it through your wet hair and lightly rinse. It will make your hair feel like silk, makes your hair combable and has great sine. Lok & Blok will not rinse out because it's not water soluble so it locks in the conditioner until the next shampoo. Normally conditioners snuggle into the holes of the cuticle. There is no way, even with heat, that conditioners can repair or penetrate to the cortex layer, so within half a day your hair starts to feel dry again. Lok & Blok will lock in the conditioner and maintain the silkiness. Then add a little more when dried whether wearing your hair naturally, curling ironed or flat ironed.

For those of you that are African American hair textures whether 3b to 4c, after adding Lok & Blok only, and then again when dried use a curling iron for big curls. L&B protects from the heat and the curls are defined and shiny.
An update:

Why would you change something that was working fantastic already.
I was a big big fan of the moisture block. But the lok and blok.. Not feeling it.
nadiacurly so the lok & block didnt work for you? I'm on my last bottle of the old formula and i'm hearing a bit more negative comments. I liked the old formula because I sweat a lot on my scalp. How did your hair react to the new formula? TIA
nadiacurly so the lok & block didnt work for you? I'm on my last bottle of the old formula and i'm hearing a bit more negative comments. I liked the old formula because I sweat a lot on my scalp. How did your hair react to the new formula? TIA

The lok and block seems much thicker.. It doesnt distribute nicely through the hair and it leaves a layer on my hair that i feel all the time.. No body but just greasy..
So i thought maybe i used to much but i repeated it at least 3 times. 3 different amounts but still a nono. And when i use a little little bit so that i do not experience the layer on my hair it explodes (my hair LOL) ones i walk outside..
I used Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum. It smells great and gave me better results

My stylist used to use this in the shop. When he used it, my hair turned out fine but when I used it at home it didn't come out right. I still have 2 bottles in my storage bin somewhere. I never did use it all.