Someone talk me off the ledge


Well-Known Member
I seriously am about to cut my hair to SL. Tired of dealing with it! My appointment is Saturday.

(Lil Wayne voice) My SO and family gon' kill me.
Are you still transitioning?
Maybe you should give your hair a rest. Have you asked your SO what he thinks about you cutting your hair?

When I first started transitioning, I had the scissors in my hand trimming at least twice per month. I still cut often but maybe once per month now. I was so eager to be natural but I had to make sure I was ready and make sure it wasn't too drastic for DH.
Now I set my mark at APL, I trim my hair at or slightly above APL all the time. I am tempted to cut my hair to SL every week so maybe I am not helping much. Sorry and Good luck.
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Are you still transitioning?
Maybe you should give your hair a rest. Have you asked your SO what he thinks about you cutting your hair?

That's a good idea. Honestly, I may touch it up. I can get my hair straight easily, but wash days are soooo long and when I plan to do a curly style like a braid out I get so frustrated that I straighten it.. I haven't decided yet on the touch up. Actually, my SO doesn't care if I go natural or relax. He just hates fake hair and likes long hair.

He doesn't even like when I trim it :rolleyes: But when we met my hair was SL and he has seen the good, bad, and the ugly (we have known each other 8 years)
When I first started transitioning, I had the scissors in my hand trimming at least twice per month. I still cut often but maybe once per month now. I was so eager to be natural but I had to make sure I was ready and make sure it wasn't too drastic for DH.
Now I set my mark at APL, I trim my hair at or slightly above APL all the time. I am tempted to cut my hair to SL every week so maybe I am not helping much. Sorry and Good luck.

Yup, I have trimmed about 2x a month on average as well for the same reasons. But my trims are not "salon" trims/massive cuttage.
Did you consider braiding it up for a bit?

I wanted to chop off my hair and just be done with my transition (will be 2 years as of 12/30/2009). Instead, I decided to just not deal with it. I am trying to get back to BSL but with my natural hair.

I started with a cornrow style for 3 weeks (using extensions) and am now in curly two strand twists until January. My plan is to have new twists put in at least 2 more times through the Spring with length checks done in between.
Nevermind, I did not see that your SO hates fake hair.

DH was like that too, about wigs. He got over it though and I have about 9 wigs. lol lol
Did you consider braiding it up for a bit?

I wanted to chop off my hair and just be done with my transition (will be 2 years as of 12/30/2009). Instead, I decided to just not deal with it. I am trying to get back to BSL but with my natural hair.

I started with a cornrow style for 3 weeks (using extensions) and am now in curly two strand twists until January. My plan is to have new twists put in at least 2 more times through the Spring with length checks done in between.

That's a good idea. I would have to get it done at the salon though. Me braiding my hair, well all this NG, is a sad, sad sight.

Funny thing is, I have never in my life had braids besides cornrows. I'd be itching to take out some singles lol
Welp, I got a touch up and cut my hair. Its in a "V" at APL. Im happy with it!
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Good shtow:grin:! Are SO & Family Happy with Your Results as well?:look:

I'm sure it looks very nice.:yep:

Thanks! My family likes it a lot because it has a lot of movement and looks a lot healthier. SO....well er um..he hasn't seen it and doesn't know yet :look:

He'll be aight! LOL I warned him plenty of times!

Say whaaaa? I loved your hair! :cry2: I'm sure it's still gorgeous though. :yep:

Aww thanks! It still has some length to it. It's really full and bouncy! I actually like my hair more at this length than BSL LOL Im having camera trouble so I'll probably post pics tomorrow or so.

I'm glad I did it tho. I was getting obsessed with my hair and putting it thru treatment after treatment and going crazy over it. I was on here so much that it was kinda unhealthy lol So this kinda taught me meh, it's just hair!!! I am very happy with how my hair is!
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