Someone PLEASE hair is shedding REALLY BAD (long)

so so chic

Active Member
I am getting really worried and this is bothering me to death :( . I've been co-washing about two times a week with Suave or V05 and washing once a week with CON and then I DC with the ORS pak. I have been doing this for like 3 weeks. I then put some NTM leave-in on my hair and then some oil (WGO, EVOO, or castor oil). I then put my hair in a bun while wet and do the baggie. So...the problem is, yesterday I took my bun down and when I applied my NTM, hair was coming out in my hands. Like, if I looked at the ends of my hair, there were very long stands hanging down and if pull them hands and hands of hair would come out. I figured that maybe since I have not been combing my hair, besides in the shower w/ the conditioner and letting it air dry in the bun that maybe this was the reason. Let me add that this is the FIRST time in my life that I have ever not combed my hair and let it airdry. So last night I did a pre-poo w/ Humectress and EVOO on my hair and left it in overnight. This morning when I rinsed it out there was hair just coming out again and I hadn't even started combing yet. I then pooed with the CON and the used the ORS pak and combed. SOOOOOOOO much hair has come out from just yesterday this time and now. I do not know that to do. I sort of want to go to the Dominicans w/ the condition on and let them rinse it out and style it to see what condition my hair is in after it's "done". I don't know :( . Someone please help. How much shedding should I be getting? Has anyone else experienced this? Oh, last week I also used S-curl after I co-washed. Thanks a lot for reading this and any advice would be greatly appreciated :).
When this happened to me I used Dudley's DRC protein treatment (followed immediately by Tropical Avocado conditioner), alternating with carrot oil hot oil treatments to stop shedding. I did this weekly or bi-weekly until the shedding stopped.

so so chic said:
I am getting really worried and this is bothering me to death :( . I've been co-washing about two times a week with Suave or V05 and washing once a week with CON and then I DC with the ORS pak. I have been doing this for like 3 weeks. I then put some NTM leave-in on my hair and then some oil (WGO, EVOO, or castor oil). I then put my hair in a bun while wet and do the baggie. So...the problem is, yesterday I took my bun down and when I applied my NTM, hair was coming out in my hands. Like, if I looked at the ends of my hair, there were very long stands hanging down and if pull them hands and hands of hair would come out. I figured that maybe since I have not been combing my hair, besides in the shower w/ the conditioner and letting it air dry in the bun that maybe this was the reason. Let me add that this is the FIRST time in my life that I have ever not combed my hair and let it airdry. So last night I did a pre-poo w/ Humectress and EVOO on my hair and left it in overnight. This morning when I rinsed it out there was hair just coming out again and I hadn't even started combing yet. I then pooed with the CON and the used the ORS pak and combed. SOOOOOOOO much hair has come out from just yesterday this time and now. I do not know that to do. I sort of want to go to the Dominicans w/ the condition on and let them rinse it out and style it to see what condition my hair is in after it's "done". I don't know :( . Someone please help. How much shedding should I be getting? Has anyone else experienced this? Oh, last week I also used S-curl after I co-washed. Thanks a lot for reading this and any advice would be greatly appreciated :).
Have you tried garlic conditioners - I prefer Alter Ego. I stopped shedding immediately....and it smells good :)
Check to see if your Co wash conditioner has protein or not. When I first tried to CW I had too much moisture and not enough protein and my hair snaped and shed so badly I stopped doing CW. Now every few CW I use a moderate protein like Karaphix and the shedding and breaking has stopped. Also I have learned that manipulating my hair while it is still very wet is a no no for me. I have to let it dry at least 50 percent before trying to style or else I see little broken hairs and long strands everywhere.
Seems like you're using more conditioners than protein treatments. When was your last protein treatment?

I highly recommend Nexxus Keraphix or better yet Nexxus Emergencee. If you're on a budget Aphogee Intensive Keratin Reconstructor. All should help strengthen the hair and make it less susceptible to shedding.

Garlic treatments are also great for shedding. More than likely the Dominicans would recommend Alter Ego Garlic Treatment. I've used it and it works wonders. You can get this at or a BSS that sells dominican products.

A heavy protein treatment with heat (20-25 mins under the dryer) followed by a DC (15-20 mins) should do the trick.

And remember every hair cycle has its shedding period. This may be the cause to all the shedding you have experienced.

Keep us updated. :)
it seems to me that you are over mostrising... I'm far from an expert in hair care, but I think you should incorporate some protein. also I have heard that con coats your hair so maybe you should clarify
Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions :) . It sounds like I definitely need a protein treatment and possibly I need to clarify...I've actually never done either, that I know of :confused: . I get really confused about protein treatments and I don't know if I really need it or not or which one to use. How do I know if I need a mild one, a stong one, or a little, and then how do I know which is best? Also, I know I should clarify, but I don't know what a good clarifying shampoo is, and how do I identify one if i see it, will it say that it is a clarifying shampoo on the bottle :confused: . I hate to sound crazy, but I really need to know and get this under control. So far...I'm thinking of trying the Alter Ego hot oil treatment with garlic (went to the website and I believe this is the one you all of refering to, let me know). My question is, is this a protein treatment, or would something like the Kerafix or Emergencee be more or a protein treatment, or can I alternate the Alter Ego and Emergencee or something, or just use one. I like everyone's suggestions, I just want to use just the right combinations and not over-do it. And when should I clarify and with what. And last thing, what should I do with my hair today when I rinse out the ORS pak? Thanks so much :grin: :grin: :grin: .
You may want to get your iron levels checked by a doctor. You could be anemic and shedding like this happens when the hemoglobin count gets too low. When there isn't enough red blood cells nourishing the scalp, shedding (and it can get severe) happens. I'm speaking from experience and there are many on this board who have gone through this too and after taking iron supplements, the shedding stopped right away. It's best to get an ok from a doctor first though.

I'll bump a thread.
Isis said:
You may want to get your iron levels checked by a doctor. You could be anemic and shedding like this happens when the hemoglobin count gets too low. When there isn't enough red blood cells nourishing the scalp, shedding (and it can get severe) happens. I'm speaking from experience and there are many on this board who have gone through this too and after taking iron supplements, the shedding stopped right away. It's best to get an ok from a doctor first though.

I'll bump a thread.

Thanks Isis, I read the threads that you bumped, and I will make an appointment to get my iron level checked asap :grin: . I hope this is the only problem along with needing a protein treatment and to clarify.

If anyone else has and suggestions let me know.
Hi :] Totally feeling you on this one. Check out this thread on seasonal shedding; a lot of the ladies experience it between July and September. I went through that for the first time at the end of last summer and I was freaking out, til I learned that it was probably seasonal :D Garlic shampoo reduced the shedding greatly.
Isis said:
You may want to get your iron levels checked by a doctor. You could be anemic and shedding like this happens when the hemoglobin count gets too low. When there isn't enough red blood cells nourishing the scalp, shedding (and it can get severe) happens. I'm speaking from experience and there are many on this board who have gone through this too and after taking iron supplements, the shedding stopped right away. It's best to get an ok from a doctor first though.

I'll bump a thread.
Can you bump the thread again for this? This is the first I've heard of this, and I think this might be why I'm shedding al the time. I'm not medically anemic, but I have low iron most days, and have been told that I'm "microacidic" which is supposed to mean that my red blood cells are really small. I cain't remember for sure, but I think when I was taking prenatal pills, my hair wasn't shedding as much. Maybe I need to get back to doing that...
so so chic said:
Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions :) . It sounds like I definitely need a protein treatment and possibly I need to clarify...I've actually never done either, that I know of :confused: . I get really confused about protein treatments and I don't know if I really need it or not or which one to use. How do I know if I need a mild one, a stong one, or a little, and then how do I know which is best? Also, I know I should clarify, but I don't know what a good clarifying shampoo is, and how do I identify one if i see it, will it say that it is a clarifying shampoo on the bottle :confused: . I hate to sound crazy, but I really need to know and get this under control. So far...I'm thinking of trying the Alter Ego hot oil treatment with garlic (went to the website and I believe this is the one you all of refering to, let me know). My question is, is this a protein treatment, or would something like the Kerafix or Emergencee be more or a protein treatment, or can I alternate the Alter Ego and Emergencee or something, or just use one. I like everyone's suggestions, I just want to use just the right combinations and not over-do it. And when should I clarify and with what. And last thing, what should I do with my hair today when I rinse out the ORS pak? Thanks so much :grin: :grin: :grin: .

I'll try to answer your questions:

The best way to find out what your hair needs is to try both a mild and heavy protein treatment. ALL hair needs protein treatment so its mandatory you have it in your stash of hair products.

Try both a mild and heavy protein. Heavy protein treatments are like Emergencee (THE BEST!!!!) and Keraphix. Milder ones are like Aphogee 2-minute Reconstructor or ORS Mayo. The milder protein can be mixed with a deep conditioner but personally I recommend you use the heavier protein treatments on its own.

Try using heavy protein treatments once a month. Don't overdue it because too much keratin in your hair is no good.

Alter Ego Garlic Treatment is NOT a protein treatment. It is a deep conditioner that has garlic extracts that helps with shedding. Its a 2 in 1 product because it helps lessen shedding while helping to moisturize your hair. Like someone said earlier don't sleep on this product!

Clarifiers help remove build up and I usually have those done once a month. My favorite is Aubray Organics Green Tea Clarifying shampoo. Other members have used Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and loved it. You can do a search under 'clarifier' or 'clarifying' and see what's recommended:)

As far as what you should do after you rinse out the ORS pak from your hair, that is totally up to you. What are you considering?:)
belladionne922 said:
Can you bump the thread again for this? This is the first I've heard of this, and I think this might be why I'm shedding al the time. I'm not medically anemic, but I have low iron most days, and have been told that I'm "microacidic" which is supposed to mean that my red blood cells are really small. I cain't remember for sure, but I think when I was taking prenatal pills, my hair wasn't shedding as much. Maybe I need to get back to doing that...

Here are two thread links (of many) on this important topic:

ETA: Here is another good thread:
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Isis said:
Thanks, Isis!!!

The stupid thing is that the docs keep telling me I'm not anemic, but nearly every time I try to donate my precious O-negative blood, they tell me my iron count is too low.
Parvathi said:
I'll try to answer your questions:

The best way to find out what your hair needs is to try both a mild and heavy protein treatment. ALL hair needs protein treatment so its mandatory you have it in your stash of hair products.

Try both a mild and heavy protein. Heavy protein treatments are like Emergencee (THE BEST!!!!) and Keraphix. Milder ones are like Aphogee 2-minute Reconstructor or ORS Mayo. The milder protein can be mixed with a deep conditioner but personally I recommend you use the heavier protein treatments on its own.

Try using heavy protein treatments once a month. Don't overdue it because too much keratin in your hair is no good.

Alter Ego Garlic Treatment is NOT a protein treatment. It is a deep conditioner that has garlic extracts that helps with shedding. Its a 2 in 1 product because it helps lessen shedding while helping to moisturize your hair. Like someone said earlier don't sleep on this product!

Clarifiers help remove build up and I usually have those done once a month. My favorite is Aubray Organics Green Tea Clarifying shampoo. Other members have used Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and loved it. You can do a search under 'clarifier' or 'clarifying' and see what's recommended:)

As far as what you should do after you rinse out the ORS pak from your hair, that is totally up to you. What are you considering?:)

This information was VERY helpful. Well, I just went ahead and did the bun and baggie. I plan to wash my hair again on Friday. I'm not sure if I should do the protein treatment or clarify first. I guess I'll do the protein treatment. How does this plan sound for Friday...I will get a garlic shampoo and shampoo with that (tell me would this be best or should I be clarifying), I will then do a protein treatment with Emergencee, and then use the Alter Ego Garlic Treatment. Is this ok, or should it be done in a different order or should I just not do all of this at once or what :look: . Sorry for all of the questions.

I would like to add that you all are the best. I had no idea I would get this many responses back :) . This is helping me sooooooooo much.
so so chic said:
This information was VERY helpful. Well, I just went ahead and did the bun and baggie. I plan to wash my hair again on Friday. I'm not sure if I should do the protein treatment or clarify first. I guess I'll do the protein treatment. How does this plan sound for Friday...I will get a garlic shampoo and shampoo with that (tell me would this be best or should I be clarifying), I will then do a protein treatment with Emergencee, and then use the Alter Ego Garlic Treatment. Is this ok, or should it be done in a different order or should I just not do all of this at once or what :look: . Sorry for all of the questions.

I would like to add that you all are the best. I had no idea I would get this many responses back :) . This is helping me sooooooooo much.

No that plan sounds perfect. Just make sure you do the protein treatment first before deep conditioning. And you can do either or with the shampoo or clarifier. It does not matter which you choose as long as you use the protein treatment WITH heat. Please get the Emergencee if you can. It is the best protein treatment out there!

Tell us if the shedding diminishes. Happy hair growing! :)
Parvathi said:
No that plan sounds perfect. Just make sure you do the protein treatment first before deep conditioning. And you can do either or with the shampoo or clarifier. It does not matter which you choose as long as you use the protein treatment WITH heat. Please get the Emergencee if you can. It is the best protein treatment out there!

Tell us if the shedding diminishes. Happy hair growing! :)

Thanks for replying back. I will definitely get the Emergencee and do that before the Alter Ego garlic treatment. And I will be sure to let you all know how it works out. I feel so much better now :) :) .
I'll tell u what has minimized the shedding/breakage for my entire family! Someone on this board and I wish she would step forward to accept my sincere gratitude, putting protein conditioner on dry hair, covering the hair w/ a wet, warm towel and putting a plastic bag over it to keep the heat in. We are all losing less hair than ever before and my daughter, who has had hair problems for 12+ years ( PCJ, BOO!!!), has thicker hair. BTW, you wash and use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards. This method eliminates the need to deep condition (it's a pre-poo) with the same results.
Nutrine Garlic shampoo and conditioner is very good products to use for shedding.
This combo helped stopped my shedding and strengthen my hair.