Someone PLEASE Help me!


New Member
I've tried everything to style my hair. Every time I try to wear it down, it never looks good lately. I tried sleeping in rollers, doing my own doobies, everything, but it always looks a HAM. I have fine hair, yet for some reason, when my hair was its unhealthiest when I had first stopped using heat styling, I had no trouble styling my hair and it looking good, but now it's a different story. Back then, I would just sleep in rollers, and it came out great, and my hair was much thinner and unhealthier than now. Plus, my hair can and does look good, when someone else does it. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. If I flat iron it, or go to the stylist to get a doobie, it looks great and healthy. But if I attempt a doobie myself, it's a different story. It seems my options are to go to a stylist every week, or flat iron it myself everyday. I'd rather not do either. What do you guys think is the problem?
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If you can afford to, why don't you just go to a stylist every week and bring with you the shampoos and conditioners that you want your stylist to use until you have gotten the hang of styling your own hair. During the rest of the week you could just moisturize and seal the ends and practice doing a doobie and putting rollers in your head. If you've just started trying to take care of your hair on your own, you can't just jump off into the deep end. Slowly ween yourself off your stylist. Have you tried cross wrapping? I can't do a doobie to save my life, but cross wrapping is simple and easy and gets the job done just as good. It takes time and practice to learn how to style hair. I still don't know how to style my hair, but I've found a couple of styles that I know are predictable and guarantee me good hair days and when I have no where to go I experiment with other styles or perfect styles that give me wishy-washy results .