Someone pleas encourage me, I'm about to fall off the wagon.


New Member
This ***** in school was kind of mean to me. I think it's because:

1) I'm like 10 years younger than her
2) She's really fat (I'm just regular fat :lol: ) and I look better than her.

I'm not sure if she has hair envy or not. Sadly, is't hard to know, she could be hting on me for a number of my physical attributes.

Anyways her hair doesn't look too bad, but you can see that it's overprocessed because it's stick straight and limp. She got her hair done in a weave the otyher day and her hair looks ATROCIOUS... I swear, it looks like she has big bumps under "her" hair in the back of her head.

I feel like straighteinging my hair out and achieveing the style that she "has", but 10 times better. When MY hair is straightened out it's boucy, shinier than her weave, and you can see the natural highlights that I have much better.

Stop me, because I know I'm being petty. I'm on a 100 day no heat challenge. This ***** is going to make me whip out a pressing comb on her.

I really don't like her. I could understand if I was one of those rude, think that they are all that type of people. I am a very corteous, reserved type of person. She had no reason to say anything to me.

Personally I wouldn't even bother. She doesn't sound worth it.

What did she do or say to you. Why do you think it could be hair issue?
Porsche19 said:
This ***** in school was kind of mean to me. I think it's because:

1) I'm like 10 years younger than her
2) She's really fat (I'm just regular fat :lol: ) and I look better than her.

I'm not sure if she has hair envy or not. Sadly, is't hard to know, she could be hting on me for a number of my physical attributes.

Anyways her hair doesn't look too bad, but you can see that it's overprocessed because it's stick straight and limp. She got her hair done in a weave the otyher day and her hair looks ATROCIOUS... I swear, it looks like she has big bumps under "her" hair in the back of her head.

I feel like straighteinging my hair out and achieveing the style that she "has", but 10 times better. When MY hair is straightened out it's boucy, shinier than her weave, and you can see the natural highlights that I have much better.

Stop me, because I know I'm being petty. I'm on a 100 day no heat challenge. This ***** is going to make me whip out a pressing comb on her.

I really don't like her. I could understand if I was one of those rude, think that they are all that type of people. I am a very corteous, reserved type of person. She had no reason to say anything to me.


This is so funny b/c there's a girl in one of my classes who is the EXACT same way...
Lemme tell you, IGNORE her! Don't fall off of your challenge over any BS! I know EXACTLY how you feel. This chick's hair is pretty, but it's not as long or thick as mine. I complimented her on her color and asked who did her hair and she was SO rude to me. Since then, she's always sizing me up when I walk in the room. My hair was lookin like who done it and what for last night, but I didn't flat iron my hair just to impress somebody I don't even like. What's the point? She'll know wassup when I get that relaxer in December & I've got mega hang time and mega body. :look:

So hang in there...she's probably mad b/c she knows that your hair is the REAL deal and she obviously has some work to do. Do you mama, and don't let a hatin chickenhead cause you to fall off of your challenge...just smirk at her like, "I know something you don't know." Because you really do... ;)

Be encouraged! :)
Don't waste big thoughts on little people. Keep on with your heat challenge till the end.....THEN you can whip out your pressing

But really, stick with your plan, you don't have anything to prove to her.
Not only what the other ladies said, but honey in about a year your hair will be down your butt and then what can she say? NADA! Forget her.
I agree with everyone else. Don't let some hater make you fall off the wagon, you know what the real deal is in regards to your hair.

Also, how was she mean to you?
Divine Inspiration said:
This is so funny b/c there's a girl in one of my classes who is the EXACT same way...
Lemme tell you, IGNORE her! Don't fall off of your challenge over any BS! I know EXACTLY how you feel. This chick's hair is pretty, but it's not as long or thick as mine. I complimented her on her color and asked who did her hair and she was SO rude to me. Since then, she's always sizing me up when I walk in the room. My hair was lookin like who done it and what for last night, but I didn't flat iron my hair just to impress somebody I don't even like. What's the point? She'll know wassup when I get that relaxer in December & I've got mega hang time and mega body. :look:

So hang in there...she's probably mad b/c she knows that your hair is the REAL deal and she obviously has some work to do. Do you mama, and don't let a hatin chickenhead cause you to fall off of your challenge...just smirk at her like, "I know something you don't know." Because you really do... ;)

Be encouraged! :)

Yes all of what she just said ITA now wipe the dirt off your shoulders and go to class
A bunch of use were having a discussion on the work in class, she didn't understand something EXTREMELY simple and I pointed it out to her.

Take note that I was not the ONLY one who pointed out to her, nearly everyone in the class did.

She singled ME out and said, the teacher will tell me, thank you very much... with attitidude with a side order of attitude, then she goes on and makes and ass out of herself asking a question that the only thing type of knowledge that anyone needs to answer it is sixth grade reading comprehension.

I dunno, I just was offended. Why single me out as if everyone else told her the same thing?
lkg4healthyhair said:
Personally I wouldn't even bother. She doesn't sound worth it.

What did she do or say to you. Why do you think it could be hair issue?

It seems to me that it's always those kinds of issues with women. I'm not mean or impolite, so she has no reason to dislike me for personality. It could be hair, frequently women with tore up hair give me those up and down looks and look at my hair as if they are searching for tracks. I did notice her looking at my hair (I think)

WHo knows, it could be because she's fatter, darker (and has a color complex) cuz I'm younger, because the teacher tends to flirt with me a lkil' bit more seriously than the other women... or all of them. She's hating on me hard.
Girl..f**k that b**ch!!! I know I sound crazy (:lol: ) but I just took my hair out of braids and got a blow-out and even though my hair is not long at all, the hateration was in full effect!!!

Don't let her deter you!!!

I am getting braids again and ppl were tryna convince me not to do it, to try a different braider (mind braider is fine and my hair grew!)...the hateration is as thick as a milkshake girl...forget that clown!
I put the pressing comb away.

It's time for the creamy crack though (texturizer touch-up tomorrow)

My hair will STILL look better than hers on Monday, and with this touchup, it'll look even longer.

Thanks guys.
lkg4healthyhair said:
Personally I wouldn't even bother. She doesn't sound worth it.

What did she do or say to you. Why do you think it could be hair issue?

Thread corruption: You daughter is adorable. She reminds me of my daughter who is now 11 going straight for 21. The grow up too quick.

Back to the current thread.

Sometimes you have to put someone in their place professionally but still in their place. It all depends on the situation and if this person is going to try you everytime you say something.
Porsche19 said:
This ***** in school was kind of mean to me. I think it's because:

1) I'm like 10 years younger than her
2) She's really fat (I'm just regular fat :lol: ) and I look better than her.

I'm not sure if she has hair envy or not. Sadly, is't hard to know, she could be hting on me for a number of my physical attributes.

Anyways her hair doesn't look too bad, but you can see that it's overprocessed because it's stick straight and limp. She got her hair done in a weave the otyher day and her hair looks ATROCIOUS... I swear, it looks like she has big bumps under "her" hair in the back of her head.

I feel like straighteinging my hair out and achieveing the style that she "has", but 10 times better. When MY hair is straightened out it's boucy, shinier than her weave, and you can see the natural highlights that I have much better.

Stop me, because I know I'm being petty. I'm on a 100 day no heat challenge. This ***** is going to make me whip out a pressing comb on her.

I really don't like her. I could understand if I was one of those rude, think that they are all that type of people. I am a very corteous, reserved type of person. She had no reason to say anything to me.


ITA with the ladies, dont even bother, youre on the right track and one dya when you reached your hair goals you can have the satisfaction of knowing you can swing your hair, not a weave, ahem. Don't jack up your hair just to show her something cause shell find something else to say or may try to attack you physically.
i agree with the other ladies... i'm glad you didn't mind that girl

reminds me of this little freshman girl who wears her hair out EVERY day, and sizes me up whenever she sees me. Keep in mind, my hair is up, in a bun or something, all the time, so why is she sizing me up? i'm not sure :lol: but oh well. I know it's a hair thing, as in, you may look better but i got some long hair... and like Divine, I just smile to myself and think "I know something you don't know :lol: " and i swear i wanted to wear my hair out but then i realize that young chick isn't worth me getting off my goals. that'd be stupid for me to do. When I see her i just think "if she knew better, she wouldn't be having those ends rubbing on her shirt all time. that's why the ends are getting thin. she's gonna need a trim soon, that's for sure" but i dont say nothing. SHE started it. lol. Let December come around and she'll see :grin:
CarLiTa said:
i agree with the other ladies... i'm glad you didn't mind that girl

reminds me of this little freshman girl who wears her hair out EVERY day, and sizes me up whenever she sees me. Keep in mind, my hair is up, in a bun or something, all the time, so why is she sizing me up? i'm not sure :lol: but oh well. I know it's a hair thing, as in, you may look better but i got some long hair... and like Divine, I just smile to myself and think "I know something you don't know :lol: " and i swear i wanted to wear my hair out but then i realize that young chick isn't worth me getting off my goals. that'd be stupid for me to do. When I see her i just think "if she knew better, she wouldn't be having those ends rubbing on her shirt all time. that's why the ends are getting thin. she's gonna need a trim soon, that's for sure" but i dont say nothing. SHE started it. lol. Let December come around and she'll see :grin:

Thas right girl... :yep: Christmas stretch club all day...please believe that she will know the business once the candy canes get passed out and the lights go on the tree! Yes sir!
I think you are being petty. Ask yourself this question everytime someone regarding hair bugs you....., "So what?" You are allowing someone else into your space and while she is off smiling, you are here getting angry. Like some ladies said, she is not even worth your mind and energy so ignore her. Focus on bigger things and you will eventually see how minute a matter this is.
Drop it! Old women (yea, I'm 37) are always hatin' on the younguns' ;)

Seriously, just ignore her. If the entire class had to point out a simple concept, well... NUFF SAID! LOL! :)
There was a click of girls in high school that bullied me to no end about my hair. I wore it natural in individual braids with my own hair. They called me beedy bee, tore up from the floor up, was horrible. I was in tears every single day. So then I decided I was going to start getting my hair pressed every two weeks. You should have seen the looks on their faces. I wore it in a french braid that hung below my bra strap. They were so jealous that I was afraid one would come up behind me one day and cut off my braid, lol. Moral of the story, they were probably insecure about themselves (and their broken off short hair) and wanted me to feel bad about myself too.
I say leave it alone, if she didn't make a direct comment on your hair or hasn't in the past then maybe she was just embarrassed and happen to take it out on you, further more you don't want to get all stressed out over something that has no point because stress can affect that head of hair of yours if you know what I mean, I'm glad you put the straightening comb away, LOL, continue w/your challenge and continue to do what makes your hair thrive, and you'll have the last laugh.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
I say leave it alone, if she didn't make a direct comment on your hair or hasn't in the past then maybe she was just embarrassed and happen to take it out on you, further more you don't want to get all stressed out over something that has no point because stress can affect that head of hair of yours if you know what I mean, I'm glad you put the straightening comb away, LOL, continue w/your challenge and continue to do what makes your hair thrive, and you'll have the last laugh.

My Point exactly!..I don't think it's a hair issue at all, it may be an intelligence issue!! Take a deep breath...and keep offering assistance to those that need it..She may have a learning disability.
Porsche19 said:
It seems to me that it's always those kinds of issues with women. I'm not mean or impolite, so she has no reason to dislike me for personality. It could be hair, frequently women with tore up hair give me those up and down looks and look at my hair as if they are searching for tracks. I did notice her looking at my hair (I think)

WHo knows, it could be because she's fatter, darker (and has a color complex) cuz I'm younger, because the teacher tends to flirt with me a lkil' bit more seriously than the other women... or all of them. She's hating on me hard.

Listen Porsche. I do not know the girl, but don't let her impose on your life. I listened to the way you talk about her and already I feel sorry for her. Put yourself in her shoes. It takes more energy to hate someone as oppose to finding out what is bothering the person. Better yet, don't even worry about her period. You are entering into adulthood and there are much more of "her" out there. If you take everything to heart now, you are going to be skinned alive in the real world. Let it go. Pray for her and her family. Remember you do not know what is going on in her personal life and it only takes one comment to set a person off. Remember high school shootings happen more frequently now a days. You do not want to be on her hit list.
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Blossssom said:
Drop it! Old women (yea, I'm 37) are always hatin' on the younguns' ;)

Seriously, just ignore her. If the entire class had to point out a simple concept, well... NUFF SAID! LOL! :)

Uh, 37 is not old. :nono: It can't be I won't allow it. That's not far enough away. Try 87.5. :grin:

Back on topic... this will not be your last run-in with hair haters. Make the decision that will make you proud of yourself and use it every time. Whatever you decided remember, we know the truth about your beautiful hair. :cool:
Porsche19 said:
This ***** in school was kind of mean to me. I think it's because:

1) I'm like 10 years younger than her
2) She's really fat (I'm just regular fat :lol: ) and I look better than her.

I'm not sure if she has hair envy or not. Sadly, is't hard to know, she could be hting on me for a number of my physical attributes...

LMAO at I'm just regular fat.:lachen:

You've already gotten some good advice. Focus on you and helping those who actually want your help. We've all been there though and had people trying to steal our energy and our joy. When she goes away believe me you there will always be somebody else waiting to steal your peace.
caligirl said:
There was a click of girls in high school that bullied me to no end about my hair. I wore it natural in individual braids with my own hair. They called me beedy bee, tore up from the floor up, was horrible. I was in tears every single day. So then I decided I was going to start getting my hair pressed every two weeks. You should have seen the looks on their faces. I wore it in a french braid that hung below my bra strap. They were so jealous that I was afraid one would come up behind me one day and cut off my braid, lol. Moral of the story, they were probably insecure about themselves (and their broken off short hair) and wanted me to feel bad about myself too.

This is such a sad story.:( Sometime you have to throw stuff in people's faces. Sounds like that pretty french braid shut them up!:grin: