Someone Help My Friend Soon Please.

Hi everyone. My friend had extension braids in her hair for a year and when she took them out she cut off her old relaxer and received a virgin perm. Her hair is about 15 inches long now and, the left side of her hair will not take to the relaxer. As a result of the two hair textures, her hair started to break. She thought that if she re-permed the underprocessed left side at her next touch-up that the left side of her hair will perm but, that didn't work at all. What should she do? It doesn't look nice to have one side of one's hair permed and the other side underprocessed and look like perm barely touched it plus this is causing the left side of her hair to break. Any suggestions???
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend's disaster. At this point, maybe she should go to a professional to fix the prob. It sounds like she's been doing all this herself, which has clearly been ineffective. Maybe you can share what area you guys live in so that some of the wonderful ladies here can give some recs.
i agree with ms brown! she needs to have a professional take a look at her hair.
I don't live in NY, but I keep reading about some stylist named Marcia in NY (not sure what burrough). Apparently, brownrelaxedhair and atate go to her and love her. You should try PMing them and doing a search under her name. Hope this helps some. Good luck to your friend.