
Well-Known Member
(I put this on the board somewhere earlier, not sure what happened, guess I was in the wrong forum)

Hi All,
I have been lurking for awhile since finding this forum in late 2007. Oh how I wished I would have found it back when my hair fell out from the scalp. I wore wigs cause I had no choice, but didn't have a clue of how to nurse my hair back to health. I just let it grow at is on pace. And in between that it had several relapses. One day I went to Sallys beauty supply, purchased Optimum Multi-Mineral Relaxer, googled customer reviews and was lead to Renieces' fotki. Since then I have explored several fotkis, and one led me here to this board. I visit here daily, like taking daily vitamins. I am a person who is motivated through others peoples testimonies. Its inspiring, and with that I adapt it and then try to share w/ my family and friends. I want to learn about it first, try it and witness it works before moving it to other lives. Well I have read this board over and over and not until to day did I sign on to become a member. Which leads me to asking someone to adopt me.

I am still new at cultivating a regimen to take care of my hair, and not only that LOVE my hair. I had no understanding of that, til I read this board. I mean I have been ashamed of my hair for so long, because of ridicule when I was younger, and then not to mention all the long hair "girls" that I would see but dare not ask what they did to grow or keep there hair long. My mother ruined my hair w/ chemicals when I was child, and when I say everyone from brother, immediate family, to friends and enemies talked about me. It cause me to develop a complex about my '********' although I wasn't bald, but just had very short hair.

I am married w/ four children, and also since reading this board I have the knowlegde to take care of their hair. It is slowly but surely paying off. Which I have always been careful w/ their hair cause I did not want them to go through what I went through. But don't get me wrong we have had some trial and errors, but through patience and consistency we will get there. My oldest is 16, and I have a 14, 11 year old girl and I refuse to allow them to do their own hair, I won't even let them wash it. Until they learn how to..and the importance of taking care of their hair. My son who is 12 has recently starting growing his hair out, and I won't allow him to do his own hair. Its almost like I am obsessed...ok I admit I am....not looking to recover from this tho:drunk:

Sorry to make this so long but I wanted to introduce myself and give a brief history. So if anyone doesn't mind taking on another protege, please feel free. Oh and I am not as technical as most of the posters, but I will learn overtime I'm sure.

Thank you,
Hello:hiya:....I'm Traycee and I love sharing tips.....Im relaxed also and I'm married mother of four just like you..

See we have things in common already....

I can't help much because I am still learning too...but I am sure you will find a lot of helpful women on this board...

I guess a good way to start is addressing what your current concern is? And go from there...

Good Luck!!!

I can't help much because I am still learning too...but I am sure you will find a lot of helpful women on this board...

I guess a good way to start is addressing what your current concern is? And go from there...

Good Luck!!!

Already starting to feel welcome. Well right now my concern is my hair has never been trained. It is so dry, thin, and limp. So I would like to bulk or thicken my hair. I have recently started using natural/organic hair products, which I really like. The last relaxer I had was in April by a beautician. I have incorporated washing and deep conditioning at least once a week. My hair comes to the edge of my neck (if that makes since). I take vitamins daily, Apex Multi-vitamin, Great Hair, Iron, Fish Oil, CLA, and Alta Silica. Also have recently started co-washing once I got an understanding of what the heck that

I would love to grow my hair bra-strap length, but hmmm I know I am a ways from that. I would just love to get some balance of moisture to keep what hair is on my head, and then reach for some length.

Thank you for replying. I know this is cyber world, but I was so nervous about posting....crazy i know.
Welcome!!! :newbie:

I would be happy to help in any way I can! It looks like you're already on the right track with the deep conditioning, vits and co washing! :yep: Have you joined any challenges? I'm sure those would help :grin:

If you ever need advice or anything at all, I'm just a pm away :hug2:
Hi, welcome! I'm natural, mother of two boys so we don't have much in common except for HAIR KNOWLEDGE!!!! Enjoy your stay here!
Welcome!!! :newbie:

I would be happy to help in any way I can! It looks like you're already on the right track with the deep conditioning, vits and co washing! :yep: Have you joined any challenges? I'm sure those would help :grin:

If you ever need advice or anything at all, I'm just a pm away :hug2:

Well no official challenges but I am somewhat on my own doing the co-wash & deep conditioner. One of the things I know I am going to have to get over is hair is so short that its not really a lot I can do with it w/out straightening it, unless i wear one of my wigs. I am trying to figure out how I can put pics on this so you all can see.....


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I am Daaiyah. I am married and have 3 girls and 1 boy, too. I too dont let my girls do their hair unsupervised, because I dont want them to have jacked up hair like I used to have. I mostly lurk but have been here for a while.
The longest part of the journey is getting to know your hair and what your hair responds to best. Believe me patience is so important if you are really serious.

I have grown my hair from a raggedy neck link to a healthy APL going for BSL. My hair is/was extremely dry porous easy to break, so I had to figure a way to fix it. It was that simple buy not that easy.
This forum is a wealth of information and when the search function is working, you can get everything you need. There are people at every step in the journey and the ones that are already at their goal are just awe inspiring. But those of us in between would love to help you out.
I use lots of natural oils on our hair because they are light and without additives. I have some I can send you if you want. PM me if you are interested.
:welcome: Nice to see you posting! You'll definitely learn alot from this place. Good luck on achieving your hair goals! Based on your pics, you're off to great start! Your hair is nice and thick!