Some people actually need to be blonde


New Member
Chistina Aguilellera
Cameron Diaz
Charlize Theron

to name a few. Most people go blonde because it is the ideal standard, to advance their career whatever. I've noticed that you can always adjust the blonde to the skin tone (within reason) but you cant always do it the other way around. Black or dark hair clashes with Christina, Cameron, Shakira and Charlize's skin tone. THey look horrible with black hair.
Any one else notice this?
Well... I think Chistina Aguilellera would look good with pink hair and Shakira would look good with ginger hair.
I do think blonde would look best on Cameron Diaz though.
And I don't know who Charlize Theron is.
PerfectDoak said:
Well... I think Chistina Aguilellera would look good with pink hair and Shakira would look good with ginger hair.
I do think blonde would look best on Cameron Diaz though.
And I don't know who Charlize Theron is.

Charlize Theron gave an excellent performance in Monster. (great movie-although v. depressing)
Maybe they shouldn't go Jet Black, but I thought CA looked really good as a red head. Shakira actually looks pretty to me with her natural hair color ie darker.
IMO, Charlize Theron definitely needs to stick to the blonde. The black hair in "Aeon Flux" does not look good on her, at all.
Maybe they shouldn't go Jet Black, but I thought CA looked really good as a red head. Shakira actually looks pretty to me with her natural hair color ie darker.

ITA. Most natural blondes (skin tone or hair) can actually pull off reds and pinks very well but the darker colors clash in the worst possible way. Scary!

And by the way, I think all of the actresses I mentioned are exceptional!

Oooh I almost forgot----Claire Danes!
When she dyed her hair red for My So Called Life, I wanted to be a red head sooooo bad!!!

I'll have to settle for plum.....after all, I don't want the color to clash with MY skin tone ;) :cool:
i think all those people look better with darker hair with the exception Diaz but I don't think she looks good period.
Christina is not a natural blonde. She looks the best with brown hair, I've even seen her with pretty good looking red hair. Her hair got ATE up by bleach, so she should just stay away from the peroxide!

Shakira and Charlize both pull off the blonde look well, but I think that they would both look equally if not more stunning with darker hair.

They don't have top go to the extreme, black makes even me look washed out, but nice browns would suit them.

Cameron Diaz... I think that it's her pale blue eyes and pale skin that make blonde hair perfect for her. It doesn't look at all bad on her.
Thanks Cincysweetie. I don't like the blonde on her, I think a mid-dark brown would be better on her.

Taij, I don't think many (caucasian) people can wear black hair, but I think most could wear brown hair and look fine.