Some of my hair burned off!

Denim And Leather

New Member
Ok, this is weird. I got my hair relaxed on Friday. The lady who relaxed my hair (a new hairdresser I decided to try based on a recommendation of a friend of my cousin's who has butt-length hair) based my scalp really good with this stuff that made my scalp tingle. It actually felt rather good.

But when I got home from the salon, I noticed in the front of my head (by my widow's peak), that approximately 1/4 of an inch or less of my hair felt peach fuzz! :eek: Upon closer examination just now, I can see that there is stubble there, it WAS NOT there the day before my relaxer! :eek::mad: Does this sound like my hair burned off? I don't know how else this hair came off. This fuzz is in an area where I had scratched the day before. Also, in the nape area, I scratched there the day before, and I have a scab.

What kind of product is this, the tingly stuff? After the relaxer was applied, these areas where I scratched were the only areas that burned, but the rest of my scalp felt fine, just started getting itchy after awhile. The areas that burned wasn't that bad, it wasn't as if these areas felt like they were on fire.

I'm thinking that this tingly stuff is what burned my scalp so much so that it caused the hair in that small area to fall out. Other than that, I was impressed with how she based my scalp really good, used Eluesence (sp?) no-lye, amd neutralized my hair TWICE and rinsed it out really good. The only thing I didn't like was how she sat me under the hair dryer with deep conditioner for only 5 minutes (because I was going to go back under the hair dryer for a roller set.)

What do you guys think?

ETA- I forgot to point out that in the past, even though my scalp has burned during a relaxer, I've never had any hair come out, so that is why I think that tingly stuff the hairdresser used might be the culprit.
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Dang, it does sound like the relaxer burned the hair out of that section. If the base was tingly, it probably had menthol or peppermint something in it. I know that Soft and Beautiful's 3-in-1 scalp oil (which they used to recommend for basing) had menthol. It probably opened up your scalp and made those areas extra sensitive.

Is it easily noticed or can only you tell?
I am not sure what she used on you but I had the same problem with my last relaxer. The oil she based me with was tingling and felt really good on my scalp. She used so much I a big oily mess. But I burned like crazy. I am spraying surge on the thin areas and they are growing back in.

I would prob like to use this oil (depending on what it is) just to oil my scalp. It really did feel good.

Oh, I think she used a relaxer that was to strong for me. I had chemical burns like crazy!
omg. I'm really sorry that happened. I'd call her and let her know what happened and go by so she can see the damage. If she's really a good stylist, she'll try to make ammends. Find out what it was that she used so you can avoid it in the future.... :(

Another tip for the future.... The day/night before I go to get a relaxer I use baby oil or vaseline on my scalp. When I do this, I rarely get tingling, even if I scratched. Not saying to "dig for potatoes" then put it on lol
Thanks for your replies and suggestions, guys. Trying to figure this out is bugging me.

Leticia- Wow, that Eluescence no-lye relaxer is too strong for your hair? The hairdresser said that this one is pretty good at not burning the scalp. Hmmm.....

GS- The area where there's stubble isn't even noticeable, thank God! It's one of those things where I have to look real careful and compare how it looked with the pics I took the day before. After posting this thread last night, I realized it was just the baby hair that burned off, and also that area has small scabs as well, and I did scratch over that area and think I might have scratched any scabs off, which took those hairs out, because I noticed in that in the nape area where I have that scab, I also have peach fuzz and did scratch some of the scab off in that area as well (sorry, didn't mean to sound gross there!)

ILuvsmuhgrass- Thanks, hon! :)
Denim And Leather said:
Thanks for your replies and suggestions, guys. Trying to figure this out is bugging me.

Leticia- Wow, that Eluescence no-lye relaxer is too strong for your hair? The hairdresser said that this one is pretty good at not burning the scalp. Hmmm.....

GS- The area where there's stubble isn't even noticeable, thank God! It's one of those things where I have to look real careful and compare how it looked with the pics I took the day before. After posting this thread last night, I realized it was just the baby hair that burned off, and also that area has small scabs as well, and I did scratch over that area and think I might have scratched any scabs off, which took those hairs out, because I noticed in that in the nape area where I have that scab, I also have peach fuzz and did scratch some of the scab off in that area as well (sorry, didn't mean to sound gross there!)

ILuvsmuhgrass- Thanks, hon! :)

She used a Dudley Lye on me. BUT, I found out what she used..............................................................................................

It was Vitale Base Creme with Shea Butter. I saw it in the BSS and reconized it right away. I took a whiff....and yes, that is the stuff. I looked for this post to come and let you know. ;)

*It has Menthol, and Camphor. I am sure this is what caused the tingle. giggles.
Did she curl your hair after the rollerset w/barrel curlers? because if you have some hair still in that spot but very short it sounds like she burned it off w/curlers that were too hot. Other than that I'm a little confused. the base she used probably had menthol in it and if you scratched the day b4 then that's why you may have burned only in those areas.
Thanks, Leticia! Maybe I'll ask her not to use that next time I go for a touch-up.

BWE- The hairdresser did a wet set on my hair. I agree with you about what happened, I think my hair burned off because I did scractch that area the day before and that Vitale Base with the menthol made it burn in those areas worse. :yep: