Some info on cleansers


New Member
The Lanza issue has me in such a tizzy that I have begun researching the ingredients that changed, to see what is a problem according to industry standards. I remembered someone posted it, and I had saved the link so here's the pertinent info - from

America's Most Unwanted:
Cosmetic Ingredients
You Should Avoid!

The ingredients listed below are found in many of the hair or skin care products you use today.

These ingredients are considered the "standard."

After all, if the products made by giant cosmetic companies use these ingredients, they've got to be good ingredients, right?

Not so fast. When you go to the salon, you don't expect just the "standard" treatments and products. You expect quality. You expect performance. You expect something better.

But the truth is that when you buy a shampoo, conditioner or skin care item in a salon, it usually contains the same ingredients as the shampoo, conditioner, or skin care product for sale in the drug or department store. Only it costs you more.

So we wanted you to know about these ingredients. Mastey believes strongly that the salon environment needs to be a healthy place. Because you're worth every penny you spend.

#1 Harsh Cleansers like:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
DEA (DEA Lauryl Sulfate)
Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
Alpha Olefin Sulfonate

Do you know what cleansing agent Mastey uses? I don't see it anywhere on the site.

I remember a lot of girls from the old LHL who tried the creamy shampoo by Mastey and what they found was that after a while there was almost overconditioned...lots of build-up.

Of the detergents you listed, I have the worst time with the amoniums. My scalp gets red and inflamed and scratchy like you would not believe. The same is true with one you don't have listed which is touted as a gentle alternative; namely the sodium myreth sulfate. The reaction I had to the Kenra shampoo was very scalp was actually burning within hours. Some of the older versions of the Jason shampoos have this ingredient and eventually I had to give them up for the same reason...My scalp didn't burn, but just didn't fee quite right.

I seem to have a horrible problem when the detergents you've listed are used in combination which is true in many mainstream shampoos. That's the problem that I had with the old Finesse for dry hair..just horrible.

So far, of the ones you've listed, with which I haven't had a problem: sodium laureth sulfate.

i am just confused as to why they added the ingredient in the first place. all that mumbo jumbo they sent me seems to try to convince me that the ingredient is fine. but what i dont understand is why add it in the first place. if the formula was fine before why change it? to me it screams a company trying to almost water down its product to maximize its profits. which to me sucks. i plan to just stick to the regular drugstore stuff that is just as effective and cheap and has none of those added ingredients. i also plan to try out the elucence shamp and cond soon. so honestly i wont be that heartbroken about it. God bless you all.