Some advice on how to get my thin hair fuller please!


New Member

I'm 38 and my hair has gotten thinner than it has ever been in my life! :nono: First I lost a lot of hair after I gave birth to my son a few months before my 36th birthday. Then I recently had box braids for the summer in order to be able to work out and not have to worry too much about my hair.

Well, this past Saturday I went and got a touch up and although I my hair had grown, my hair is so thin that when it is wet you can see my scalp. I'm scared to death! Lawd, am I going bald?!

I have decided not to get another touch up for as long as I can possibly wait. Minimum of 12 weeks but if possible I will stretch it for 6 months. I'm co-washing every other day and shampooing once per week plus deep conditioning. Any other suggestions? I hope it's not too late! :-(
What I have found that worked for me is hair,skin and nails vitamins. They helped me gain length and volume in my hair.
Hope this helps.
Glad to hear that worked for you. I started taking vitamins for hair, skin, and nails about two weeks ago. So, let's see what happens.

I think stretching your relaxers is a good idea.

Post partnum shedding usually stops before your child's 1st bday. Its normal to lose the hair that didnt shed when you were pregnant.

Do you think some of the loss is due to tight braids?

Maybe you can try going to to the dermatologist to determine if there are any other reasons for the hair loss like thyroid disease, low iron, etc.

Along with taking the vitamins, have a good diet and don't stress.

I'm sorry this is happening to you but keep us updated.
I have started to keep my hair cut blunt and that is makes it look fuller. I faithfully do a hot oil treatment with coconut oil or shikakaki oil which is making my hair feel and look thicker. Lastly, I am now stretching my relaxer to 12 weeks, these three things have really thicken my hair.
Since its thinning mostly near the scalp, Maybe before You do anything You should See a Doctor, then once He/She has come to a conclusion of whats taking place, then maybe move forward Cosmetically (Topical).
My hair had to be trimmed several inches due to thin ends. Also, my hair is a little on the thin side. I just recently ordered some B5 (Pantothenic Acid) capsules to help thicken up my hair.
One thing that has been helping my hair thicken up is an egg treatment. I mix two eggs with a moisturizing conditioner(Aussie moist or Motions moisture conditioner) and cover my hair with 2 plastic caps(can drip and be messy) and let this sit on my hair for about 30 minutes. My hair has thicken up alot in the last three weeks. I do this once a week because this natural protein does not bother my hair.
Since its thinning mostly near the scalp, Maybe before You do anything You should See a Doctor, then once He/She has come to a conclusion of whats taking place, then maybe move forward Cosmetically (Topical).

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Leesh is right get to a Derm ASAP. This is exactly how I ended up on the hair boards. When I was 34 I had my youngest child, and my hair shed so bad, I really thought that I was going to go bald. I never shed like this with my other 2 kids:nono:......... I made a huge mistake, I turned to weaves to allow my pp shedding to stop, looking back that was a huge mistake for me. I weaved off on on for 3 years, because I did not want to deal with my thinning hair. The weaves only made it worse.

I would start trying to focus on inner health, vitamins, eating health, drinking lots of water, exercising, etc. Hair loss is something that if you are proactive about you can slow it down, you may or may not regain your density, but you can definitely slow it down:yep:.

Please let me know if I can help at all. Hugs sweetie, I know how devastating this can be. You are being smart to take action about it:yep:

Make sure that you incorporate some light protein treatment, I would start with every other week, and see how your hair likes it. You are smart to start stretching your relaxers too.
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I agree with the posters who suggest stretching. My mom experienced a lot of shedding/thinning last year due to a ton of stress. She went to a hair doctor (trichotillist?) and she recommended stretching. My mom stretched 6 months and her is so thick, healthy and beautiful.
I'm so sorry to hear of this :bighug: Definitely get to the derm. Then check out that thread about fenugreek. It strengthens hair roots, slows hair loss and provides mucilage for great slip. I used to make a treatment to stop hair fall for my ex made of black tea, nettle tea, aloe vera juice and powdered msm. I think fenugreek would be a great addition to that mix. It was kept in the fridge for both of us to spritz our scalps daily.

what I remember of the ingredient benefits:
black tea is good for decreasing shedding (I think it was said to increase the growth cycle)
nettle tea good for growth and softness
msm increases the growth cycle of the follicle
aloe vera juice; not sure if it has muccopollysaccharides like the gel, but figured it was a good addition
fenugreek said to slow/stop hair fall, strengthen roots, etc
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My hair is thin & fine but henna,amla,biotin and significantly reducing heat has turned my hair around. I usually rollerset & air dry...bumping the roots when necessary.

:yep: I hope this helps :yep:

Not to frighten you but I would first go to the doctor. Hair loss could be the beginning signs of a thyroid problem, the first sign of diabetes, hormonal deficiency. Before I start putting eggs and henna in my hair for 3 months I would first make sure I wasn't in the beginning stages of something treatable if caught early.
Indian oils have thicken my hair a lot! I pre-poo with Amla oil on my hair and Shakti Oil on my scalp, massage for 5 mins, cover head with plastic cap and leave it in for an hour, then DC for another hour, then Co-wash.
I agree about a doctor but NOT a dermo. Go to your normal to see if there may be any health issues. Then see if there's a trichologist in your area. They specialize in hair rather than skin conditions like a dermo. Your choice with relaxing less is fine but may not help I've been natural 5 years and have the same "feeling scalp" when hair is wet issue which I think was brought on by too much cantu products *protein* a few years ago when it started, stress, and using dish washing liquid like a dummy cause I ran out of shampoo once lol. But the worst thing I did which probably caused hair loss was listening to the dermo and getting a drugstore shampoo and ketoconazole. That's why I advise to see a regular doctor and trichologists.
Until then try cv herb garden shampoo, jojoba oil or jojoba shampoo, oiling with shikakai oil, and not stressing your hair must at all.