Solutions for grey hair


Well-Known Member
Hello, my aunt has alot of grey hair in the front of her head, It really bothers her, so i wanted to check if any of you ladies has any solutions for grey hair. She has tried coloring her hair but it does not help. Please let me know if you have any other ideas.

I she tired of coloring because of what it does to her hair?

If she truly wants the gray gone then she will need to color. I know you can use rinses but I am not sure if they will completely cover the gray.

If she wants to go the natural route doing Indigo after a Henna treatment is a very healthy way, she will just need to make sure she moisturizes her hair.

If she just want to try in stages she can use the henna first it gives tones down the gray. If she wants to completely cover then she can use the Indigo.

It has worked for my and I have gray hair. I can't use color of any kind because it takes my hair out.

I believe there is another one that is not so caustic I think some of the ladies use call Bigin?

Hopefully others will chime in. You can view my fotki under the Ayurvedic album and see the coloring I get.