Softsheen-Carson's Optimum Oil Therapy Haircare line/products

I have tried the Shine Booster and Hair & Scalp Quencher. Unfortunately, my hair didn't like either product. :( I was really disappointed with the Hair & Scalp Quencher because it feels really light going on, but it left my hair feeling greasy and slippery. I figured that I'd used too much and tried it again, but I got the same results. :down: :down:

The Shine Booster was rather heavy. I just used a dime-sized amount, but it still left my hair feeling sticky and my hair actually looked dull instead of shiny. :( :(

I ended up giving both products away.
Ugh, my hair hated these products. i tried the over night hair strenthener and the 3in1 creme oil moisturizer. The were both really heavy on my hair and made my hair greasy and sticky. I used them once and gave them to my sister.
I tried them a couple of times (can't remember which products) I was not impressed...made my hair feel greasy and dry (know what I mean?:ohwell: ) so I gave the products away.
I used the Hair & Scalp Quencher. I did not like it. It is still under my sink waiting to be thrown away.

It made my hair feel too greasy.
I forgot what products that I used but it made my hair and my scalp extremely dry. I tried and tried to use them but still gave me the same results.
I purchased the hair and scalp quencher because I just couldn't resist the lovely smell.:love: This is really bad considering I 've stopped using parabens a while ago.:sekret: Anyway, My hair didn't like it as a regular pomade but I recently discovered what wonders it can do when used on wet hair right before blowdrying. Gave me a nice, satiny finish on my blowdried hair.
I have been using the Shine Booster for about 1 month now, on and off. It always left my hair shiny and healthy looking whenever I used it! My hair loves it! I don't have to use alot-just a dime sized amount, and my hair thrives :look:
I use the Creme Oil moisturizer. It's good but you have to use very little of it because it is pretty heavy. I use it on damp/wet hair only.