
New Member
Remember my raves about Avocado butter? I ended up dumping that (my first love) because the first batch I got was like heaven, but the second batch I got was whack! :nono: it was heavier not as creamy consistency and more waxy! I'm still using it as a lip balm though! Ive got lip balm untill the year 3020 with all those big containers. :lol: I can still use it on my hair IF I HAD TO, but I DONT, AND my daughter hated it too and she used to LOVE LOVE LOVE it with the first batch. So its just sitting and since then I WENT to oils and conditioners mostly

but now I started eyeing a Butter again! and with my research , and memory I thought about Mink oil the other day and I remember how any product with that in it just made my hair feel and look better! even an old hair spray years and years ago! I used to really trip off that! So I was like , I will just get mink oil! two drops in a bucket.....well you know

But as I read up on it, they said that Macadamia nut oil has 'more' of whatever it is thats in Mink oil that makes it so good! blam! sold! Macadamia Nut OIL and BUTTER are in transit RIGHT NOW!

MY NEW LOVE! I dont even need to try it, I know how I loved mink oil! its on and poppin now!
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I've seen the oil at health food stores. I think I want to buy it also...

I think its a good buy! and has to be a good oil/butter

i did have some oil years ago, I used it for that first oil rinse that I posted about in 2006. I obviously loved it, but damn I wasted it and rinsed it down the drain with the oil rinse

never again! it aint cheap
I think its a good buy! and has to be a good oil/butter

i did have some oil years ago, I used it for that first oil rinse that I posted about in 2006. I obviously loved it, but damn I wasted it and rinsed it down the drain with the oil rinse

never again! it aint cheap

So how do you use it?

I think I might use it mixed with my conditioner to deep condition...
Anyone else already using either the oil or butter regularly?

I went to the natural food store yesterday after stalking you album in search of unrefined coconut oil (lol) and I saw the Macadamia Nut Oil or butter (I forgot which one it was). I was thinking of buying it, but I stuck to my "Only purchase what you said you came in here for" rule lol. I'm curious to know how this works too...will stalk album later lol

Also, this is off topic, but as I was stalking your album yesterday I saw that you used unrefined coconut oil. I purchased the unrefined virgin coconut oil becasue they didin't have the unrefined extra virgin coconut oil. Have you tried both and what are the pros and cons of each (if you don't mind sharing)?
I went to the natural food store yesterday after stalking you album in search of unrefined coconut oil (lol) and I saw the Macadamia Nut Oil or butter (I forgot which one it was). I was thinking of buying it, but I stuck to my "Only purchase what you said you came in here for" rule lol. I'm curious to know how this works too...will stalk album later lol

Also, this is off topic, but as I was stalking your album yesterday I saw that you used unrefined coconut oil. I purchased the unrefined virgin coconut oil becasue they didin't have the unrefined extra virgin coconut oil. Have you tried both and what are the pros and cons of each (if you don't mind sharing)?

aww dang one day later and you would have been grabbing this too! :lol:

I really think the Virgin Coconut oil is going to be just as good as the Extra Virgin, I dont think you will see much difference. I've used all kinds and always got benefit, just started going with the Extra Virgin, I think its more 'coconutty' lol

If its not refined and its the edible kind your good to go!