Soed anyone use Tea in their hair?


New Member
Does anyone use Tea in their hair?

A friend of mine uses cool tea in her hair as a final rinse. She uses regular lipton's tea.

Her hair does look a lot better, and shinier. That's why I asked her about it.

She has 3b/c hair, but it's not very coarse at all (she's white) Meaning that she's got curls, but it doesn't have that degree of nappyness that the typical black person with 3b/c hair has.

I'm not trying to start no ish about hair type or "black people hair vs. white people hair" today :lol: I just want to give a good description.

Still... basically what works for less curly hair can work for kinkier hair. We use similar products and techniques.

I used to rinse my hair with tea as well, because I had heard about it when I was a small child. BUT I don't recall if it harmed my hair or not. I had really damaged hair back then.

Tea is acidic isn't it? Would it be similar to an acv rinse?

I'm thinking about trying it again... maybe adding some honey to it. :look:

I want to look super cute tomorrow, I've got a date.

What do you think????
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I've heard about green tea being good for hair, and now that's it's cold, I've been drinking it almost every day. I've seen a pill form, but never thought about actually putting tea in my hair. Interesting....

I'm very interested to hear what others have to say.
I haven't heard of using Liptons tea for a hair rinse--but I do use Rosemary 'Tea' for a rinse.
I seep the rosemary leaves in water and after I rinse out the conditioner--I use the tea. I am natural w/ 4ish hair so I don't get that 'shine' per say--but my hair likes it :)

ETA: and Rosemary stimulates hair growth as well...
The sun can streak and highlight your hair. However if you find the effect too harsh, you can soften the look with a tea rinse. Shampoo as you regularly do, then rinse with plain water. Next, rinse your hair with a brewed black tea that has been allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature. Leave in for at least five minutes, then squeeze out the liquid from your hair as much as possible. Let your hair dry naturally, then style as usual. Your hair will be noticeably, albeit temporarily, darker and shinier. Choose teas by the color they are when brewed. Chinese blacks like Keemun or Yunnan and Indian Assam will give the darker color; Ceylon blacks and Darjeeling will give a more golden hue.

I've heard of roemary tea rinses. Never tried tea on my hair thought, I would like to try it for my coils but, I'm a little weary because my hair is already color treated. Still, I would like to know how it works of you. Good luck with your hair and on oyur date.