Sodium hydroxide relaxers that actually straighten


New Member

I'm looking for a relaxer that straightens just as well as Bantu (the only sodium hydroxide relaxer that has ever really straightened my hair), but doesn't burn as badly. My hair is EXTREMELY resistant and so far no sodium hydroxide relaxers, regardless of strength, have been able to relax my hair except for Bantu. I LOVED how my hair looked after using Bantu, but the relaxation process was extremely painful. I've never had a relaxer burn me so badly. I actually didn't have any scabbing afterwards; it was just during the application that it hurt so. :( Now I'm thinking about using Bantu again, but I'm so afraid of the PAIN :eek:. I just wanted to see if anyone knew of an alternative sodium hydroxide relaxer that can actually straighten extra extra kinky hair. Thanks so much in advance for the replies!
I use Mizani Super, and I have very resistant hair. I never have bone straight hair, but Mizani did me pretty well. And I didn't burn. Good luck!
I would try the Mizani over the Bantu, that Bantu seemed really strong, but I guess that's the point. Hawaiin Silky is strong too, it makes your hair really straight, which I'm actually trying to avoid now.
I've tried Hawaiian Silky before too, in the super strength and it also left my hair underprocessed.
I just recently had a Mizani put in and it burned like heck!! Funny how that works because prior to Mizani I used Bantu and it never burned. Did you irritate your scap prior to perming?
I don't think that I did anything to irritate my scalp before I relaxed. What strength of the Bantu relaxer did you use? I used the super, but I wonder if my hair could have possibly been straightened just as well with the regular.
I will probably continue with Mizani for a while since it's a lye perm. It's suppose to be better for your hair. It didn't really straighten my hair though. Which is fine for the summer since I plan to wash and go. I have never had a perm that actually straightened my hair. I am not real good about updating my album but I think I have a pic of how my Mizani came out. Of course it's not labeled but it's the one where you can see the towel in the pic.
I recently went back to lye relaxers. Before, I also couldn't find one that relaxed well. I have 4b resistent hair. I used Revlon lye regular. This was the best relaxer I have ever used. My hair was straight and it wasn't dry.