
Well-Known Member
Hello forum goddesses:grin:! This is my first post and I must say I am happy to be here!

While I love all the topics that come up for discussion, I have yet to see any topics about hereditary BALDING. See in my family, all the men have a bald spot right in the crown of their head, and almost all the women (my mother included) have the same thing. What I seem to notice is this plague skips and not everyone has it. With a mixture of poor hair care treatment (too many damn up do's!) along with genetic balding, it's truly sad to see all the thick and lush hair my mom had as I grew up just disappear. Our hairdresser recommended Nioxin and temple balm (brand name unknown) and it seemed to work for my mother; however due to inconsistent use, it's truly hard to tell if it was truly one product.

My question to you ladies is, what products are out there to prevent or slow down balding? I'm 22 right now and the balding seems to occur around the 30's - should I be worried about this now? I was thinking of buying a bottle of Nioxin shampoo and conditioner for chemically treated hair and using it every once in a while, but will this help? What about Dr. Miracle's?

I'm not too keen on taking hair growth pills as it may increase hair growth else where :nono: but I would love a product reco.

For Reference: I'm a 4a, currently relaxing with Botanicals, and wearing braids. I wash and treat regularly with Nexxus and QP products.

Looking forward to your response ladies!


Tay Tay
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I was just about to post the same site as Newflowers did. I posted about this site a few years ago on products to protect the scalp from the effects of relaxers. :yep:
I have used these products, and they worked for me. I just recently reordered because I feel my progress has stalled. If you read the site and really focus on the research, you will find quality products that scientifically address the problems of hair loss in men and women.
Thanks so much Ladies.:drunk:

Can you be a little more specific in terms of what products (names) you used?

Have any of you used Nioxin or Dr. Miracle's or any other products for hair loss?
I used the Folligen shampoo and conditioner once per week alternating with my other products and the folligen spray and emu. I used the samples of the cream and lotion, but liked the spray better because I was in braids at the time, so the spray was more convenient.

The only other growth aid I've used is Boundless Tresses - another superb product that does what it says - grow hair faster.

I would recommend Boundless Tresses and Folligen to anyone, but for someone who has to deal with genetic hair loss, then the science behind Folligen is more applicable to the problem.
Their is a product line call Rene Furer. These product focus on the health and condition of the scalp, and they are made with essential oils. You can get the products in salons or Sephora. We use it in the spa/salon I work. The have treatments that help to cleanse the scalp and increase circulation to reduce thinning of the hair. I remember we use to have a couple that came in every Sunday to get a treatment. I think they did 6 treatments, and both their hair was remarkable thicker by the time they were done. But, you can do the treatments yourself at home.
Hello forum goddesses:grin:! This is my first post and I must say I am happy to be here!

While I love all the topics that come up for discussion, I have yet to see any topics about hereditary BALDING. See in my family, all the men have a bald spot right in the crown of their head, and almost all the women (my mother included) have the same thing. What I seem to notice is this plague skips and not everyone has it. With a mixture of poor hair care treatment (too many damn up do's!) along with genetic balding, it's truly sad to see all the thick and lush hair my mom had as I grew up just disappear. Our hairdresser recommended Nioxin and temple balm (brand name unknown) and it seemed to work for my mother; however due to inconsistent use, it's truly hard to tell if it was truly one product.

My question to you ladies is, what products are out there to prevent or slow down balding? I'm 22 right now and the balding seems to occur around the 30's - should I be worried about this now? I was thinking of buying a bottle of Nioxin shampoo and conditioner for chemically treated hair and using it every once in a while, but will this help? What about Dr. Miracle's?

I'm not too keen on taking hair growth pills as it may increase hair growth else where :nono: but I would love a product reco.

For Reference: I'm a 4a, currently relaxing with Botanicals, and wearing braids. I wash and treat regularly with Nexxus and QP products.

Looking forward to your response ladies!


Tay Tay

Wow you said a lot. I am so very sorry that your family sufffers from this gene that cause hair to fall. As far as worry I want to say yes but the correct answer is no.Why, because you have already set yourself out to do what you need to do to make sure that you know how to care for and treat your hair. As far as using Noixin Treatments, while I think it will have a benefit for you hair it wont do anything for the baldness unless you are actually balding now. Kinda of like taking an aspirin trying to prevent a headache only to get a headache anyway. I would put that on my preventive maintenance list until you, and IF you see any signs of balding. Now as for vitamins, whilst I agree not taking a vitamin for the sole purpose of hair growth I dont agree with not taking some type of supplement. If you compare the ingredients on the label of a multi-vitamin, then compare it to the label of a vitamin that says it for hair, they pretty much have the same ingredients with the exception that hair vitamin have added mgs to a common "hair friendly" mineral and nutrients. I would encourage you to discuss taking a regular daily multi-vitamin with your doctor as they have other benefits besides growing hair unless, you are consuming all of you required daily nutrients though your eating habits. (That would be ideal!). Now for the tough part, remember sweetie hair is just hair. God has given all people a beauty that shines without physical benefits, tune into that channel, and smile. No matter who you are or what you look like, God loves you, and your family loves you, in the long run, this is all that matters. PS LCHF Sister love you too.

Buena suerta hermana!
If you would like to try my hair growth product ..I would send you a free sample in the I'm right here in Toronto. Let me know by email. God's best in whatever solutions you do try.
There are threads discussing this issue. You should do a search of DHT blockers or maybe testoterone (sp???). My family has the exact same problem with crown thinning and baldness. I'm hoping that healthy and gentle hair practices will help to postpone if not cure the inevitable.
Wow you said a lot. I am so very sorry that your family sufffers from this gene that cause hair to fall. As far as worry I want to say yes but the correct answer is no.Why, because you have already set yourself out to do what you need to do to make sure that you know how to care for and treat your hair. As far as using Noixin Treatments, while I think it will have a benefit for you hair it wont do anything for the baldness unless you are actually balding now. Kinda of like taking an aspirin trying to prevent a headache only to get a headache anyway. I would put that on my preventive maintenance list until you, and IF you see any signs of balding. Now as for vitamins, whilst I agree not taking a vitamin for the sole purpose of hair growth I dont agree with not taking some type of supplement. If you compare the ingredients on the label of a multi-vitamin, then compare it to the label of a vitamin that says it for hair, they pretty much have the same ingredients with the exception that hair vitamin have added mgs to a common "hair friendly" mineral and nutrients. I would encourage you to discuss taking a regular daily multi-vitamin with your doctor as they have other benefits besides growing hair unless, you are consuming all of you required daily nutrients though your eating habits. (That would be ideal!). Now for the tough part, remember sweetie hair is just hair. God has given all people a beauty that shines without physical benefits, tune into that channel, and smile. No matter who you are or what you look like, God loves you, and your family loves you, in the long run, this is all that matters. PS LCHF Sister love you too.

Buena suerta hermana!

Hey Girl, thanks so much! I was thinking the same thing..."Should I wait until I see signs of balding" but then what if it's too late?

I will consider taking a multi vitamin and see how that pans out.