So who HAS reached their hair goal

Your hair is very similar to mine! How long is your hair? How many inches do you need to reach bra-strap? I only need 6-7 inches in the back! But I'm taking it one step at a time. I also want my chin length layers to be shoulder length too
Hopefully it won't take us too too long

I need a couple of inches more, shouldn't be more than 5 for the back part to reach bra-strap. The front should take eternity.

At the rate it's going, I don't know when I'll reach this goal. I am so tempted to just cut it all one length and be done with it. I so want to go really short sometimes, and I would if it wasn't for church. I can just imagine those people now, particularly the ole ones going

Hopefully after my next touch-up, I'll have a better idea of how long it is. I do have a ton of new growth and leftover new growth that that stupid and I mean STUPID Motions perm barely processed! This is another reason why I am having breakage!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
leejure said:
I saw this girls with a ponytail that hung to her waist. I was so jealous I wanted to punch her in her back!

Her hair was so beautiful! All I kept thinking is that one day (soon) somebody will want to punch me in my back for having beautiful waist length hair too!

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO... punch her in the back... &lt;giggles&gt; that is too funny!
kamilla, the braids definitely helped me. when i first started the challenge, my biggest challenge was to not use heat. because my hair wasn't long enough for a bun, i chose the braids to get me over that hurdle. it also helped me to not think about my hair at all.

i wore the braids from 7/00 to 3/01. i'd wear them for 3 months at a time with a week or two break in between. after that, my scalp started acting up again. it hasn't stopped acting up since.

I am an inch from 13 inches (18 inches from hairline to ends). It has taken me just about a year (April 17th to be exact) to get to my length now from a short cropped cut. Once I hit 13 (18 inches from hairline to ends), I will move onto my next goal of 18" (23 inches from hairline to ends) by December 2003.
Thursday Girl...

I amd telling you. I was so jealous of her hair I wanted to hurt her!
It hung so neatly down her back that all I could do was stare with envy!

The goal I set for my hair was to get it healthy. Since it was in such a damaged state it took me three years of TLC to get it where it is now. My hair is now stronger, healthier and has a nice sheen. To maintain my hair I pretreat overnight, shampoo,deep condition with heat, reconstruct overnight, rinse, do a leave in, and braid my hair every 4 days.
I reached my first gain back the length I lost before all the damage and cuts...My hair is now healthy.
My next goal is bra strap.
i need 6 or 7 more inches to reach my goal: waist length. waaayyyy to go, right??? well one day, i will make it, i hope next summer at the latest.
Yea Nay,Your hair is so pretty

Yeah, Adrienne I am on week 5 so I will probably get braids around week 8/9, probably just cornrows. Your right, I think the braids will keep my focus off my length for a while
You never know, I might take my braids out and be surprised
I have no idea as I haven't touched up yet. It's below b/s now but I don't know how far it will be once touched up. I'm hoping to be somewhere near waist by the end of this year but sheesh! It seems to be taking so long!
HONI... has your hair always been long? There seems to be a lot of girls here with "almost waist length" hair and I was wondering if the length was pretty much always there.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
adrienne0914 said:
kamilla, the braids definitely helped me. when i first started the challenge, my biggest challenge was to not use heat. because my hair wasn't long enough for a bun, i chose the braids to get me over that hurdle. it also helped me to not think about my hair at all.

i wore the braids from 7/00 to 3/01. i'd wear them for 3 months at a time with a week or two break in between. after that, my scalp started acting up again. it hasn't stopped acting up since.


[/ QUOTE ]

So Adrienne!
Did wearing braids during that period get you to bun length?
I want a bun!!
I want a bun!!!!!
not sure if this counts but, Knowing what my hair needs and when (protein, moisture, oil etc) has helped me a lot.
Also I've found the source of my notorious breakage and that spot is growing in nice and thick now (I cant wear my hair down because it looks like a whole section is missing)

I'm just glad i'm finally getting the jist of things
Hi ny2atl,

Yes it pretty much stayed the same length (just above bra strap) before coming here. I just didn't know how to take care of it properly
. Sometimes I wonder what it would look like now had I known what I know now.
I have reached some of my hair goals: I got my 'baby hair' back (thanks profectiv!), and my hair is growing in thicker than usual.

I only have one more goal to achieve once my hair grows another 11 inches.
Well I've gotten a little past my shoulders which although it wasn't an "official" goal for me it was certainly a milestone. My first "real" goal is about 3 1/2 inches away I think and I still have my fingers crossed for that one.

Hello Ladies:


My hair is thicker now because of air-drying more than I use heat, and taking vitamin B-complex. I think the thickness is also due to the use of castor oil.

oh, thanks 4 reminding me butterscotch, my hairline is coming along nicely. I never had a "problem" but I just would love more hair in that area. Isn't the profectiv great?
hopefully by end of summer kamilla i too will be able to say i've reached my first hair goal which is to be able to have my hair in a bun, if last month was anything to go by, i'd say my bun wud be attainable by then without a doubt, but u kno how hair is, hair growth here 2day, gone 2morow
and once i can prtect my hair by tuckin the ends, the sky's the limit for me
ngaa, Hope you reach your goals!I am on week five and I have somenewgrowth in the back areas (as usual) however, I am seeing a little, and I mean little amount new growth in the front. So hopefully when I get a touch-up I will see some progress!!
I am also thinking about dying my hair a mahoghany color.
Hi Sweetcocoa,

That is also my first goal to gain back my inches, then proceed to waist length. Which would be about 30-31 inches on me. (I want that Cher look from the Sonny and Cher show...
So I can toss it like she does. That length would be perfetto!!)

I reached my hair goal before joining this site - I wanted 14 healthy inches of hair free of split ends - and I'm finally there.
My next goal is another 12 inches by the end of this year (I got one inch so far this month)....
I'm about 3 inches away from my goal of bra-strap length in the back; but my sides are shorter. They are s-l-o-w-l-y inching their way down to my shoulders. Once the back hits bra-strap I guess that will be Goal #1 met. Goal #2 will be for the sides to get there. (That's going to take a VERY long time):( By the time the sides get to brastrap the back should be waist-length
. I have never even entertained the notion of having waist-length hair...