So, What's in your desk @ work????


New Member
This is what you'll find in my desk:

Wide tooth comb and a mini soft bristle brush
Plastic Cap (Just in case it rains :grin:)
Samples - Kenra's silkening mist, ORS olive oil moisturizer
Extra scarf
Accessories - Ponytail holders, bobby pins and hair clips
Small spray bottle with distilled water & salerm
I have a brush and bobby pins. :)

BTW, your hair in your signature looks pretty :yep:

This is what you'll find in my desk:

Wide tooth comb and a mini soft bristle brush
Plastic Cap (Just in case it rains :grin:)
Samples - Kenra's silkening mist, ORS olive oil moisturizer
Extra scarf
Accessories - Ponytail holders, bobby pins and hair clips
Small spray bottle with distilled water & salerm
Just red palm cream but yesterday, while cleaning out a drawer I hadn't opened in a long time, I found a curling iron! :eek: I haven't curled my hair in over 2 years.
A bottle of Curls by Sister Smith Quick spritz spray (does the trick if I need to freshen up my naps)
a large elastic band to put hair in a high puff
Cute Post...

I keep a boar's bristle hair brush, a bone comb, and a wide tooth comb in my drawer. I need to add a scrunchie and some hair pins!
Oh my, hadn't thought about an "at work" stash b/c my purse is so big that I just carry miniature sizes of stuff in it. (although I do have bobby pins in my desk)

These are the things in my purse though:
-a million bobby pins
-WGO/Coconut oil
-NTM Silk Touch
This is cute! I keep an extra comb and *gasp* brush (soft bristle, though). I also keep extra pins and coated rubber bands in my purse. At the gym, I have a little bottle of leave-in conditioner and silk scarves so I can condition my hair while working out. I'm thinking of putting a little bottle of leave-in at my desk at work.
I have a travel size of Qhemet's Burdock Root Butter Cream, the sample of Kelechi Oil from Nasabb I got from them (i loved it so much I turned right around and ordered several full sizes for home:grin:). I also have the sample of Candy_C's moisturizer. I have not decided if I want to add it to my regular routine, but it is nice to have something like that in my desk drawer for emergencies.
Nail Polish:look:

I took out all of the hair stuff awhile ago. i figured I wouldn't mess w/ my hair as much if I didn't have anything to use on it. It's worked so far:yep:

ITA...cute thread!
Ouchless bands, gel and a brush. I mainly have this for when I wear my hair straight (which is rare) and it starts reverting. I need to be able to put it up at a moment's notice. I'm looking forward to the day when I can wear my straightened hair all day with no reversion.
Haha, I like this question....
I've got

Surge 14
Hollywood Beauty Mayonaise Creme oil
Burdock root pills
Met Rx protien bars
Hand mirror with handle, brush, vitamins, spare container of MN (in case I can't put it on before I leave the house:blush:what?!!!), ponytail holder, bobby pins.
Lmao, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a hair stash @ work. Having one has been useful, especially if I need a quick up do, going out after work etc.
Okay, I don't feel so bad now. Everybody at work always says my desk is like a mini-mart pharmacy, but then they come by and ask for stuff in my stash.

As for as hair stuff, I have lots of bobbi pins, head bands, moisturizer, and a small boar brush.
This is what you'll find in my desk:

Wide tooth comb and a mini soft bristle brush
Plastic Cap (Just in case it rains :grin:)
Samples - Kenra's silkening mist, ORS olive oil moisturizer
Extra scarf
Accessories - Ponytail holders, bobby pins and hair clips
Small spray bottle with distilled water & salerm

GRIL.....please tell me you don't walk around with a plastic cap on your head in the rain.......if so, I'm shipping you a mini umbrella!:rolleyes:

I'm just messing with you, I don't have any HAIR related stuff in my desk or purse...once this WIG goes on it aint moving until I get home! :lachen:
GRIL.....please tell me you don't walk around with a plastic cap on your head in the rain.......if so, I'm shipping you a mini umbrella!:rolleyes:

I'm just messing with you, I don't have any HAIR related stuff in my desk or purse...once this WIG goes on it aint moving until I get home! :lachen:

:lachen: Nah, I put it on under my scarf :grin:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I thought I was the only one who kept a plastic cap w/me. I usually have my comb (if hair is straightened), brush, plastic cap, and a scarf.
I only have some hair pins in my my bookbag has: K-cutter, boar bristle brush, ouchless bands, and a hairstick:look:
I don't have any hair stuff in my desk at work because I keep hair stuff in my purse (Jilbere shower comb, Good Day Hair Pins and a hair clip (NOT the claw type).
Hand mirror with handle, brush, vitamins, spare container of MN (in case I can't put it on before I leave the house:blush:what?!!!), ponytail holder, bobby pins.

haha I hope nobody opens your drawer and thinks you have the down there itchies :lachen::lachen:

I have a comb, bobby pins, a travel size of BB Lotion, ouchless bands