So what IS a texturizer?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
I see it all the time on the hair boards but I must admit I do not know what it is exactly. Is it a separate chemical treatment different from a relaxer or is it a weaker relaxer? Is it just not leaving the relaxer on that long? WHats it look like? Just wondering.....
bumping drowsily....awaiting a response before I goes to bed......must...fight......the....sleep.....zzzzzzzzzz
A texturizer is a mild relaxer. It's designed to loosen the curl instead of leaving it straight like a relaxer. You can use practically any relaxer to texturize. You don't (or at least I didn't) smooth it when your doing it. I would put it on the new growth and by the time I reached the front, I would immediately rinse it out. It loosens the natural curl and might thin out the hair a bit, depending on hair type. But if you hair does not have any curl definition naturally, chances are you still won't have any after texturizing.

Hope that makes since.