So Sick Of These Beauticians - Part II


New Member
I spoke to my beautician. In some ways I feel better and in other ways I feel worse.

She confirmed that she did cut my hair and she was very apologetic when I told her that I did not ask
her to cut them. That made me feel better. Now I know that I am not crazy.

But when I asked her why, she said that I said that it had been a while since my last trim.
Actually, she said that it had been a while since my last trim.
I told her that I said that it had not been a while because I trim my ends every two months and this time I trimmed off more than usual.
It was weird to me that she was trying to put her words in my mouth, but maybe she really remembered it like that.

Then, I asked her when she trimmed my ends and she said that she trimmed them as she was rolling it.
So, now I know why I didn't know what she was doing.
That was weird, also. She has trimmed my ends before when I asked her and she usually combs it down and makes
the big trimming production. I definitely would have known if she did that, but this time she decided to trim it as she was rolling it?

I would have felt better if she would have said that my ends were in terrible shape or I trimmed it wrong or something.
But it seems like she wanted to trim them because she hadn't trimmed them in a long time.
I don't have a problem with getting my ends trimmed because I am the SHS.
My hair grows an inch every 2 months and I trim at least half an inch every 2 months because I am trying to get my sides even with the back.
I don't know how to explain it, but I am just not sure about her explanation.
It just seems like she decided that it had been a while between trims when my hair was getting close to the bottom of my bra-strap.

Should I only go to beauticians with long hair because they understand the choice to grow it long (my beautician wears her hair really short, but I assumed it was by choice)?

Anyway, this just inspires me to take over all aspects of my hair care and to stop being so scissor happy myself.
I have to lay off the scissors a little now just to get back on track!

Thanks for reading.
Don't worry. There won't be a Part III!
She's giving away free services? Why didn't she decide to give you a free conditioning treatment or a free color rinse instead? She's flaky.
She's giving away free services? Why didn't she decide to give you a free conditioning treatment or a free color rinse instead? She's flaky.

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My stylist also gets happy when the rollerset is done and it's time to trim. If I'm reluctant, he says "It's just a dusting. I won't even charge you." Apparently trims are $20, but dustings are FREE!
It wasn't free. She charged $10 more.
I thought that her rates went up and didn't even think about it at the time. That was stupid of me.

But I think she charged me, probably expecting me to notice the charge right away and then she would have told me, but it still would have been after the fact.

I am so angry for you!
Will she refund you?

Even if she claims to have remembered your saying it had been a while since you had trimmed, go with your gut instinct! (e.g., trimming your hair while she rollerset as opposed to trimming your hair in her usual manner) I'd be looking for a new stylist - come to think of it, I AM looking for a new stylist.
I don't think the stylist's hair length is a good indication of competence. The one I just fired had very healthy, almost-brastrap length hair. The one before her was a straight male who got incredibly scissor-happy when my hair length started catching up to his wife's
- he seemed to be more intent on cutting once my hair started growing down my back.
that is very underhanded and sneaky. regardless of whether you hadn't asked her for a trim in a while she had NO RIGHT to cut your hair. she should have asked if you wanted one or suggested that you get one, not cut and tell you after the fact. i agree w/ith everyone who told you that you should look for a new hair dresser

Regarding your question re: whether or not you should patronize a stylist who also wears long hair:

I recently was on another website, whereby it was suggested that a client with long hair, or who is growing out her hair, patronize stylists whose hair has the same needs as our own, i.e. long hair. However, I personally do not know of many Black stylists with long hair, or if they wear short hair by choice. So, the second option is patronizing a stylist who is flexible, and who encourages the client's participation in the process.

My stylist always asks me, "So, what are we going to do today?" From that, if he has suggestions, I am open, but I expect that since he asked, he will honor my wishes.

She's giving away free services? Why didn't she decide to give you a free conditioning treatment or a free color rinse instead? She's flaky.

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I'll say...