So refrshing!


New Member
So refreshing!

I was talking to an acquitance (sp) today. I don't know how we got on to the topic we were talking bout but he then starts talking about this girl at our school" he says

"I swear X is mixed with something she has nice hair, not regular black girl hair"

*This girls hair is ok by LHCF standards its about 10 inches long, 4A/B and relaxed. It was longer than that before about 13/14, then she had it cut into a style with bangs. However even when it was 13/14 inches it STAYED at that legnth, sometimes there's even breakage on her top and she doesn't wash it at all (probably once ever 3 months...) However is looks healthy

So my friend looks at me and he's like "oh no!" (he knows the deal about hair)

I then broke it down to him aka bad hair and a lack of eduation about heat, relaxers, lack of moisture etc etc. I even used the example that i cut my hair in May 07 and now i have a decent lil fro, which our friend clarified because he's seenn my hair so much (i keep it covered). He was then like...

"Oh wow i didn't know that i understand now, it actually makes sense". Then he started talkin bout how his mom's hair is relaxed and always breaking and how could it be stopped. He was quite intrigued and it was refreshing to see that i told him and he didn't look at me like i was crazy he actually understood, and wanted to know more. I feel like we by one we can make a difference :grin:.

Either way i thought it would be nice to share a story with a positive outcome.

Crissi, x
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