So Proud Of These Students For Standing Up For Their Rights


Well-Known Member

These students and their parents had every right and responsibility to stand up for what is right. I am proud of them for choosing to speak the truth and not worry about being called "homophobic" or "trans phobic". I am deeply saddened that our young women have to fight for the right to have privacy in school lockerooms, bathrooms, and gyms.
Yes they did! People are finally realizing that students have more leeway in dealing with these issues. In cases where teachers may not be able to speak out about an issue or even pray, students do not have these restrictions.

I'm definitely glad to see them standing against this PC movement.
I am so done with these overly aggressive agendas, thinking that they own the world and have the right to disrespect and to intrude upon the rights of others where they have absolutely no right and no business to do so.

I see a huge blast of a boomerang heading against this lgbt movement and their agenda. Folks are rising up and are not allowing this to continue crossing the lines of trespassing where they do not belong.
Of course, the Trans student said they were bigoted for refusing to use the bathroom with him. These Trans people need mental help not coddling.

Yes, ma'am! I should not be labeled a bigot because I speak truth and still adhere to traditional ideals that it's uunseamly for men/boys to share restrooms/locker rooms/dressing rooms with women. The trans student was offered the use of the staff bathroom and he wasn't even happy with that.
I wonder what the follow-up of this is? How are the students doing?