New Member
I am sooooo proud of myself. Last night I embarked on a journey....the journey to twisting my own hair. On Friday I bought ORS Lock & Twist gel, because I was going to try and get an appointment to get comb coils done somewhere & I didn't want anyone trying to use that crusty brown pre-con gel on my hair. So, I am a procrastinator to the 'inth degree so I never called for an appointment anywhere. But last night I decided I really wanted to do something different to my hair. So, I get out my spray bottle spritz the front of my hair get out the gel and do three diagonal flat-twists in the front. I go out to my fiance and ask him how do they look, he says they look good. So, I think okay I'll just wear my hair like this to work tomorrow. Then I go in the bedroom and start watching Charmed (which I love) and then I start thinking, HEY maybe I should two-strand twist ALL OF MY HAIR. So, I grab the spray bottle and gel, start from the bottom, and do the grab and twist method. So, after Charmed, the Sopranos, and Deadwood, I have a head full of two strand twists and three flat twists in the front. I am so psyched....also three of my coworkers said they liked my hair.