So Obama left his church. . .Now What?


Well-Known Member
I just saw a part of him speaking on the decision. He states that he doesn't want to have to continue to answer for what a church says and that he doesn't want a church to be under the scrutiny that a presidential race may bring. I am paraphrasing.

Now, does that mean that he will not be going to church period? How do you all feel. If you're church pastor held views that were contrary to your own, would you leave the church? Do the difference in views have anything to do with the Biblical message that is being given? Obama apparently isn't shopping for another church now, but will wait until after January when he is in DC and then perhaps look for a church home.
Why are these pastors speaking from the pulpit on political issues anyway? All they need to do is to have us to pray for our current leaders. And pray that God's will be done for whomever the future leaders will be. Why get into the "issues" of the election anyway? Sounds like the church is being sidetracked by these worldly issues.
The Black church specifically has been the central place for which both spiritual and natural liberation and empowerment and overcoming racism and oppression.

Even the growth of the Black church came out of racist incident during and post-slavery where Blacks were mistreated and even prevented from participating in the worship service.

I submit that Lord cares about our total being, spirit, soul and body. He is a Lord of social justice as well as spiritual and natural redemption, salvation, healing, and deliverance.

The church isn't so sidetracked by politics as much as it is sidetracked by GREED.

Like I said in the political thread, he's waiting until after the election and he's in office to make the final choice of where he and his family will worship. This way his church membership doesn't become a distraction to the campaign. I don't think it's alright for people to scrutinize his church membership to the point of controlling where he LEAVES or STAYS. I believe he will attend services at a WIDE VARIETY of churches as a symbolic gesture and to expose himself to places he might consider.

I think it is hypocritical for a country (or media, or racist folk, or uninformed folk, or a combination of all) founded on SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS FREEDOM would drive a person out of a church.