So much hair. . . it's scary


Active Member
So much hair. . . it\'s scary

All over my sink. I'm shedding, BIG TIME, and I'm really at a lost. I've never seen so much hair coming out of my head. Yes, I've had breakage before and little hairs on the sink, but this is totally different.

I was breaking and shedding so bad, I decided to get braids so I wouldn't have to see all that hair on the sink every day. This has been going on since my last relaxer (12/08/03). After 2 weeks, my braids started look bad and loose. I wore them another week and then took them out today. I expected to see hair come out but, DANG!!!

I collected the hair and put it in a baggie and now I think I'll probably have all my hair in a baggie before long.

Anybody got any suggestion.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

First of all, don't panic. Stress is not good for your hair. but I can feel your pain. Whenever you take braids out, you're gonna see a lot of hair. That's becuase your hair hs been shedding all along, but hasn't had the chnace to move down the hair shaft becuase it's obstructed by the braids. normal shedding varies by individual but averages 50-100 strands per day. You should know what's normal for you. don't worry about the accumulated shedding. that's normal. but if youwere experieincing excessive shedding prior to the braids, that needs to be addressed. You may consider trying the garlic shampoo and conditioner. many have had success with the garlic and shedding. good luck.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

I don't have any suggestions but I'm going through something similar. I took my braids out two weeks ago and I shedded some hair but not a whole lot. I used some products that I thought were working for my hair but this week all of a sudden when I comb [my natural hair] I hear snapping sounds so I realized that it was breaking even though alot wasn't coming I'm thinking that the products I thought was helping my hair to get on track is actually hindering I feel like I need to go back to my "old" routines..because this is the first time my hair has actually "snapped". After all the money I wasted-money that I don't have since I'm unemployed! I had to vent about this.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

Do you have a thread about your last relaxer anywhere? Do you remember what it was called?

If not, can you give a step by step of what was done?
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

and what kind of braids you had in? DO NOT wash your hair before you post again (if you get this message). I'll be watching the thread. I hope you see this.....
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary


I found that post and bumped it for you. It was called "I think my stylist may have killed my hair". All this mess started after that last retouch. I would appreciate any insight or help you can provide.

I know I'm being a real drama queen about this hair, but losing the progress I've made in the last year and half would be a major upset for me.

My braids were a mixture of individuals and cornrows. I had a little of the front cornrowed for style and the major part was done with individuals. I only kept them in 3 weeks and I seem to get some major growth during that time because I couldn't keep them any longer. The cornrows were raggery and loose, the individuals were rolling around the new growth.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

i just did a post on this same thing --shedding. my problem was my lack of protein which caused me to go thru massive shedding. When i touched up 5 weeks ago, i saw so much hair shed that i almost passed out seriously--i had to yell for my husband i thought i was gonna drop right there. check into any signifigant changes in your diet while looking for a cause for the shedding
hth -- jainygirl
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary


My husband said the same thing. "Maybe you're shedding & breaking because of something internal instead of external". I really don't think so. My diet hasn't change and I take supplements. (Not faithfully but more than ever before.)

Thanks so much for the input. I really appreciate it. I keep thinking it has something to do with my last relaxer, I could be wrong, it may just be a coincidence that the breakage and shedding started right after my relaxer.

Of course, the stylist says that it's my fault. She even denies cutting more than 1/4-inch of hair. When I insisted that more like 2 - 3 inches and there is a big difference, she said" Well, it was damaged anyway"
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

Ok DL....

Before you wash, SLATHER your hair with the best detangling cond you have. Let it sit for an hour or so...

THEN wash with a moisturizing shampoo, then use a neutralizer (just in case) and then condition again with the good detangler.

I'm thinking you may not have been neutralized properly - but I don't want you to wet your hair before it's been conditioned. You can try going through it with a wide tooth comb after the cond's been on for a 1/2 hr or so - but it's not necessary.

I think your hair may have been overprocessed and that's why it's shedding so much. You don't want to lose MORE hair detangling. But if you have a neutralizing shampoo, use it now.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

Thanks so much Tracy. You could be right, I will definitely try this and let you know how it works for me.
I can't thank you enough for your input.
Re: So much hair. . . it\'s scary

It's no some of the braid removal threads too. I just don't want you to lose MORE hair trying to get your hair detangled.


Good Luck girl.
Please let us know what happens.