So many vitamins, so little time...advice pls.


New Member
Well, from looking at the archives it seems that the following vitamins are useful for hair growth/health - so of course the PJ in me went out and bought them...My question is when, how many to take? Are there any special precautions for any of these vits? Should some be taken in the am or pm? With or without food etc? Can I crush them and put them in a protien smoothie?
I'd really like to start a vitamin regime, so any help/advice would be appreciated- Thanx!
MSM 500 mg
B-100 (Ultra B-Complex)
MEGA VITAMINS for the HAIR Tablets
VIT C-TIME 1500T with Rose Hips
(all by Puritan Pride)
Crushing the pills is a good idea as its easier to digest. Putting them in a shake will disguise the taste. Beware though, B Complex will *not* taste good and will color your whole shake yellow so i suggest you swallow that one.
As for doses, you can take as much MSM as is necessary to get good results as it has a toxicity similar to water. You will need to up your vitamin C dosage accordingly. You need to take roughly half the amount of Vitamin C compared to MSM. I've been taking 10grams of MSM with 6 grams of Vitamin C and 2.4g of Cysteine with no ill effects.

Ladies here have 10,000 mcg of biotin with great effects!

On a side note, when taking supplements, less more often is better than more less often. So taking all your pills in one go is less beneficial than small doses throughout the day.

Dont forget to drink water :) *note to self*
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. I def have a better understanding - I'll try to take my vits 2x a day one with an am smoothie and the other after dinner. Crossing fingers that it works...