So many little time...


New Member
Ok ladies, seems like lots of you use the CON, creme of nature shampoos. But there are so many different label, orange bottle, white bottle...I'm confused! Which one does what and which one do you recommend?
Thanks again, you all rock!
I dont know the answer to that but the liittle girl in your pic is sssssssssssoooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!:blush: I hope you get your answer:yep:
I use the green CON (tan bottle, green writing) Ultra Moisturizing CON, aka the discontinued CON...although everywhere i go there seems to be plenty to go around. Guess after that batch is done selling though, it's a wrap!
Thanks I want to snatch some up (via my Mom) before they are gone...seems to be a really good product.

BTW, What is the shelf life of this shampoo?

And her name is So-chan, she's one of my fav kids at my school...I'd love to kidnap her and a few others cause they are so fun and cute.
Just got a pkg from Moms with CON. It's a white bottle with a green label. She sent two. She couldn't find a tan bottle anywhere...Is this the one you ladies are talking about?