So Many Beautiful Heads of Hair...Where Do I Begin?


New Member
I've only been a member for a couple of days now. I am both overwhelmed and excited by this board!

I'm coming up on my two year anniversary of growing the relaxer out of my hair. It's been a slow process because I didn't want to have to cut it all off. It has been quite the adventure, but one that I think will be well worth it in the end.

I feel as though my hair has slowed tremendously in the growth process, and I need to get things going again. I feel like I've come to the right place because I've never seen so many beautiful heads of hair on one board! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also, can someone tell me what all of the abbreviations mean? Some of them I've figured out...but I think I need a tutorial lesson.
I'll be the second to say welcome.

I just got to work so I don't have time to tell ya what the abbreviations mean, but if you play around here (And you will:lachen:), you will figure them out.

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:dance7::welcome:, Don't worry, we were all like this when we found lhcf, you will figure everything out, and like the other ladies said, the stickies are the best way to catch up w out getting frustrated. I wish u all the luck, ( oh about your ends, maybe u should trim them a little) it will cut down on the breakage, and split ends,'s better to lose a little gradually, then a lot a one time, HAPPY GROWING :grin:
:dance7::welcome:, Don't worry, we were all like this when we found lhcf, you will figure everything out, and like the other ladies said, the stickies are the best way to catch up w out getting frustrated. I wish u all the luck, ( oh about your ends, maybe u should trim them a little) it will cut down on the breakage, and split ends,'s better to lose a little gradually, then a lot a one time, HAPPY GROWING :grin:

I swear I feel like a kid in a candy store! I don't know which way to turn first. This site is a godsend!
Hey, welcome to the board!
Kami, Thank you for the welcome! Your hair is incredible, and congrats on the weight loss. Those are two things that I've been struggling with here lately, but reading all of these posts and seeing everyone with beautiful, healthy hair has been so inspiring!

I can't wait to get started!
Welcome! You will enjoy your time here, guaranteed!!!!:grin: Now relax, and get ready to learn!

Don't feel overwhelmed! You'll get it takes time and plenty, plenty of reading. It took me three months to get the information downpacked and six months to have it like no one's business for myself.
