So, just some crazy comments my aunt made that I never expected


New Member
Her son's friend comes in and has wavy hair and it is wet from the snow/rain and she's like, I like your hair cause he was brushing it. Then she says to her son, "X, why can't you do your hair like that?" I am like, I can't believe this mess. This woman also has wavy hair is in her 40's, how can she not know by now that black people have different hair textures. I mean, that comment was so "to the left." Perhaps I am looking at it from a LHCF perspective but she seems a little naive about textures.

For instance, when she was 12, my grandmothers just put her hair in two big pig tails and they would fall down easily. She trys doing the same to her daughter and said, "I used to wear my hair like this when I was 12." Umm, are you forgetting that your daughter's hair texture isn't the same as your texture. I'm talking after the wash, she would just try to brush it and put it in pig tails.

Then she told my cousin who has a mixture of 3c/4a hair that some people's hair wasn't meant to be long. The girl's hair is barely to her neck.:look:

Then she called one of her daughters with 4a hair, "rough" but the one that looks like the girl from My Wife and Kids gets the more positive comments. "Yeah, so and so hair is sandy brown, kind of reddish, very fine."

Yes, these are the dynamics found in a black household. Light hair/dark hair, nappy hair/wavy hair, light skin/dark skin. No wonder people come out as screwed up as they do. I'm still shocked I witnessed this.:nono:
Honey, I stopped paying my mother/family attention about those things a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. They are ignorant about hair and don't know any better, so I don't expect them to know what they're talking about when they make comments like that. It's just sheer ignorance talking. Make no notice.
I guess so but how can you not know that some things you can do to your hair other people can't do to their hair? I don't get it. Doesn't seem like it could be that much ignorance in the world.:look:
Honey, I stopped paying my mother/family attention about those things a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. They are ignorant about hair and don't know any better, so I don't expect them to know what they're talking about when they make comments like that. It's just sheer ignorance talking. Make no notice.

I feel you on this... but it makes me sad that they are passing this ignorance on to their defenseless kids and probably damaging their fragile little psyche's in the process.:wallbash:
Honey, I stopped paying my mother/family attention about those things a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. They are ignorant about hair and don't know any better, so I don't expect them to know what they're talking about when they make comments like that. It's just sheer ignorance talking. Make no notice.

Oh, yeah her hair is past her but and she is thinking about cutting it. So, I said when you cut it, give me the hair so I can send it some where to get it wefted. Seriously.:look:

Ok, I kind of feel bad cause people with cancer like at Locs of Love could use it but I will give my hair there when it gets to WL, sooooo....
I feel you on this... but it makes me sad that they are passing this ignorance on to their defenseless kids and probably damaging their fragile little psyche's in the process.:wallbash:
To that, I say "to each one, teach one". Yes, it's very cliche, but it's the truth. If more people had the knowledge that we have about hair, think about it, would this be that big of a problem? If our grandmothers and mothers, aunts and sisters had all of this wonderful knowledge that we have, this would drastically cut down on some of the ignorance that goes on about hair. For this reason, I don't argue with my mother about my hair. She doesn't know what we know, so I can't expect her to understand where I'm coming from when I talk to her. However, she does know that everyone's hair is different, I'll give her that much. For example, my oldest brother and I have 2 completely different textures (his is very wavy all around, while mine is wavy at the roots, but curls up the farther it gets from the roots). She knows not to compare the 2 of us, so she doesn't bother. But I've tried sharing as much knowledge with her and the other female members of my family, only to no avail, so I quit trying and go on about my business. It's amazing though how they're always asking what I'm doing to my hair:perplexed
Oh, yeah her hair is past her but and she is thinking about cutting it. So, I said when you cut it, give me the hair so I can send it some where to get it wefted. Seriously.:look:

Ok, I kind of feel bad cause people with cancer like at Locs of Love could use it but I will give my hair there when it gets to WL, sooooo....
I was thinking about getting some wigs and donating them to cancer patients. That would be a really good X-mas gift.