So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length Hair?


Well-Known Member
Is this the standard length ladies? I see that a lot on the site and I also noticed the other night (while watching Girl Friends and a couple of videos), that most of the black actresses have bra strap or past bra strap length hair. Iman was on Oprah the other day and her's appeared to be shoulder blade length, which is my goal. I think that length will still look good on me and versatile. I have lots of layers. Am I the only one who's goal is just shoulder blade length?
Hey Stormy!
I think I will actually just see how long my hair can grow just to prove a point. I really don't have a goal as of now. I think you are right about the brastrap length. I do see a lot of ladies sporting their hair at that length.
Stormy--for the time being, I have short-term goals. Right now, I just want my hair to be shoulder-length even all around. That in itself is going to be challenge enough since I have so many layers.
Eventually I want to be bra strap length but if I focus too far ahead, I get kind of discouraged.
So I try for baby steps--one goal at a time!
Bra-strap is a good way to measure growth, at least for me. I think a lot of women feel that way, and it is quite a bit down your back. My goal is to get my hair to my waist, but even that is not the same for everyone (my waist is high). For some women, shoulderblade is very close to bra starp.

I'm also taking little steps at a I'm not aiming for shoulder-length just yet. But should I get there "by accident", I know I won't be complaining.
I am happy with shoulder length hair. My goal is to have healty hair. However, if I obtain bra strap length, I wouldn't be dissapointed.

I am also going to shoulder blade. My hair is about 1/2 way from goal (maybe 6-8 more inches) and it gives me a hard time. I can't imagine having it all the way down my back.
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

Hey DSD!

Ok...healthy hair, short term goals, baby steps, I like that ladies!
Great agenda!
My goal is bra strap lenght hair, but that is a loooong way off so for now, I am shooting for shoulder length. I would be happy if my hair reached somewhere between shoulder length and bra strap length. I just don't want that thin, stringy look I have had in the past.

I recently changed my goal from bra strap to shoulder blade length. Once I reach my goal I may change my mind I just want to make sure I learn to take care of my hair and not get frustrated and give up like I've done in the past.

Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

Ok...healthy hair, short term goals, baby steps, I like that ladies! Great agenda!

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Hey Stormy!!! That's exactly what I'm going for. Although I'll be ecstatic once I reach shoulder length and I'll probably be celebrating that length for a while!!!!
I am measuring my length in inches and fullness. My hair is in the "growing phase" so this year I did achieve 6 inches. However, when it is in the "resting phase" I might not get 6 inches. It's just interesting to see my hair finally growing. Thirty inches is my next goal - 8 more inches to grow!
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

Hey Jen you'll have to come back so we can celebrate together!

Dutchess, resting phase? Oh God no!
I hope I don't reach that phase until I reach shoulder blade length!
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

Right now bra strap is my ultimate goal, but I'm tall, with a long neck (not freakish) so for me bra-strap is still quite a few inches away even though i'm a couple inches past shoulder length. Right now I'm just curious to see how long it gets w/o getting that icky uneven stringy look. If thats what bra-strap length hair looks like on me, I'll keep it at my shoulders for now.
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

that's my goal i dont wear a bra because im a male lol but thats my goal
My bra-strap ends about two inches under my shoulder blades which is how long my hair is now. My goals are like this:

current length: shoulder blades
next 1: bra-strap (two more inches)
next 2: belly-button length (not to be confused with waist length, which is 2-4 inches below your belly button)
next 3: waist/elbow length (on me, my elbows and my waist are at the same level)
final length??: tailbone
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

I am simply hoping for hair like Boadicea. I love your hair gurl! Mine is now a lil below the nape of my neck. I have a ways to go but it's getting there. Although I do have a lot of new growth.
Bra strap is my goal too, but that's gonna take awhile because I'm tall with a long neck too

After I get there, I might wanna see how far I can take it, so who knows if I'll start to keep it cut after that.
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

Okay Boadicea, I just read that you are aming for tailbone length. Great and I'm sure you'll get there before you know it but just to clarify when I say I want hair like you I mean your current length. Shoulder blades I think you said. Just had to clear that up. phew!
At first I wast aimin for that type of length because I tend to chop it off but the other day I was lookin at aaliyahs hair and I loved the way it looked to thats what I am aimin for.
As for now, I don't have a goal anymore. I wanted to reach bra-strap, but by now, if I was to press out my hair, I should definitely be there in the back of my hair. When its wet, it hangs well below my bra-strap. It's just the sides of my hair that insists on not doing any growing.

My main focus now is growing out my perm. As of now, I'm just letting it grow. No trimming whatsoever. Haven't had one since June, nor have I had a perm since June. I can't believe I'm 11 weeks post relaxer.
Re: So...Is Everyone Trying For Bra Strap Length H

that's my goal i dont wear a bra because im a male lol but thats my goal

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Wow! Another male?! Where have I been? It seems like the men will be taking over soon!

Yung good luck on reaching your hair goals

Perhaps I would aim for a longer length if I had stronger thicker hair but my hair needs extra TLC!! I mean EXTRA and I know it would be a headache trying to manage.

I love the look of longer, healthy hair though
good luck ladies!!
My ultimate goal is waistlength. I'm able to get to bra length and past bra length. However, I get excited when it's that long and start wearing it down too much or get lazy with my hair care regimen. Damage and frustration sets in and I get it cut!
I am very close to bra strap in the very back. On the sides I am a few inches past shoulders. My first goal, bra-strap, will soon be accomplished(God willing). Anything beyond that will be like icing on the cake. Although below the bra would be my maintainence length.
I am aiming for shoulder length hair but main goal is to achieve the thickness I once had almost their
I just recently trimmed my hair and I'm aiming for bra-strap length later on next year. My number one priorty for my hair is the health and moisture. I'm focusing on full, healthy, moisturized hair, not so much the length. IMO I think healthy hair will bring length. Also I get split ends and I have layers and I am getting rid of them by trimming a little (from 1 centimeter to an inch, depending on the amount of damage) about every 2-3 months. I also take little baby steps. My current length is about 2-3 inches past my shoulders. By January, at the rate my hair grows, it will be around the middle of my shoulder blades. In April/May, I plan to be around the top of my bra-strap.