so I SHAVED my hair off yesterday + vit recs+ mtg


New Member
Well to cut a long story short a &%^$%^ burnt my hair, killed it with a blow out and cremated (sp) it with the flatiron on in november 2004, when i washed it out, my hair broke offn the sides where gradually going, it looked like i had a mohekan (sp). So I kept treating myhair until july2005, i then cut it and weaved it, my hair just won't come back how it was. My hair seems to thrive with weaves, but ever since it got fried its never been the same, the roots would grow in coily-curly, and im sure the damage would just travel down the hair. And I learnt how to look after my hair, I grewit to my shoulders before that "stylist" burnt it.Anyway I do not want to waste my time on weaves/extensions and i don't want to be dealing with tha damage (ladies im talking clumps of hair would break and it would feel like burnt wire), even when i went to the barber he said "wow theres alotof broken patches, especially the middle. Now i get to start fresh! and it feels sooooooooooooooooooo good, once it get to about 10-12 inches i'll relax it. Could you ladies please rec some vitamins,and the type of growth you've experienced with them, and/or combined with mtg

Album my pw is my profile


Crissi, x
First of all the cut looks good on you. Second of all, you did the right thing. Now you can examine every strand as it grows without patches hiding behind longer hairs. Keep us posted on your milestone along the way.:D
Thank you for the complimen, im happy that hair won't be hiding either. Now it should be more even aswell
Girl, it looks great! I also think you made the right decision. I think you would have continued to be frustrated and dissapointed holding on to the damaged hair. Nothing like a new start :)
mscolwhite said:
First of all the cut looks good on you. Second of all, you did the right thing. Now you can examine every strand as it grows without patches hiding behind longer hairs. Keep us posted on your milestone along the way.:D

ITA! :yep:
Hi fellow Brummie!

It looks good! I believe shaving your head is the best way to start again with your hair. Gets rid of all splits and other damage. I wouldn't have the guts to do it though!
Silica is supposed to make your hair grow faster. I *think* mine has been growing faster with it but I can't be sure.
I like it..looks good on you!

Well I have to tell you the best vitamins for overall health and hair growth is in the food we eat.Growing up as a child my mother and I always had beautiful long shiny hair.As a adult I went through bad eating habits and heat/weave ect and my hair suffered.

Now I'm almost a vegatarian and my hair is healthy and shiny.I eat alot of green veggies(high in protien and iron) but do take the liquid forms of chlorophyll and flax seed oil.

Hope this helps :)
Your cut is so cute!

I agree with goldensugar23--the best way to get hair to grow is to consume as many healthy foods as possible. Eat lots of green veggies and fruit. Get good protein in, and drink lots of water. Get in some excercise. I supplement my foods with supergreen foods (powder form) and liquid eve. primrose/flaxseed oil. Isolated vitamins don't work well for me.

Scalp massages with essential oils/carrier oils are said to help as well. Don't forget to ensure you have plenty of moisture in your hair--that's key.

Happy hair growing. I think it's really neat to see the progress of someone starting from a shorter cut.
Your cut looks great.

I agree with the other about what to eat for growth and health, but I'm adding beans and fish.
That cut really looks good on you. I also have suffered from some damage, but I don't have the nerve to cut it all off like that. Biotin has helped me a lot!!
ITA the cut looks nice on u! I experienced something similar, and am about to do the same thing as u. Like u I had regrown it from scratch to just past my shoulders and then it got all jacked up again by a couple of stylists. Broke off like crazy and looked like I have a mullet! (hair in the back and the top/middle was broken off short)....

This is what I suggest to u....Take a good multivitamin, along with MSM and Biotin. Those are great for your hair. There are others but this is a good start.

As far as regimin, I suggest keeping it simple bc thats what always worked for me...washing and deep conditioning weekly, moisturizing daily. When it got long enough before I started wearing phony ponies. That worked well and every time I would blow dry it out (rarely) Id be amazed at the growth! Personally, I am big chopping any day now (I have about 5-6 months new growth), and Im going to get a Lace Front and wear that while I grow my hair back, taking it off weekly to wash and treat my hair. Between that and the vitamins, I should be good to go.

Good luck to u, luckily u wear the cut well. My head is way to big for that! lol :lol:
Woah! You have been through a lot with your hair....A fresh start sounds good....sending you bigs hugs. Enjoy the path that your journey has taken you, I am sure you will see a big difference.