So....I let a MBL do my hair lol


New Member
My friend and I have been tryna get into this girl's room for FOREVER to see what she does to get her hair soooo beautiful!! It's about MBL...very shiny and pretty, thick blunt endz, and just the epitome of beautiful thick MBL! (I'm try to find a pic of her)

I let her do my hair so I could see her products but..... dang I didn't like it too much. She uses vo5 Moisutre Milks Passion Fruit Smoothie Shampoo, Queen Helene's Cholesterol w/ Ginseng as conditioner, and Wrap n Styl setting lotion. She washed my hair rolled it after using a fine tooth comb :wallbash: and sat me under the dryer. Don't get me wrong my hair had so much body and it looks the bomb, but this morning it just doesn't feel how I want it too. My hair feels a lil hard and not moisturized. She told yesterday it's gonna feel like that cuz I need to trim my endz (she trims everytime she goes to the salon once a month)

Well that girl is just blessed lol. She's a DIY and she has some good methods like no heat except indirect and always rollersetting and sleeping on a satin pillowcase and hat....but nu uh:nono: my hair just dloes NOT like either queen helen's or vo5 at all...

How can I get the moisture back in my hair? You think a few cowashes will get it back into shape?:perplexed
I would say do a good deep condition, thats my 2 cents.... whats the girls texture, do you think she was using ALL the products in her arsenal?????
The setting lotion is probably what dried your hair out. I only use distilled water to set my hair and my sets come out soft, bouncy and shiny.
Just wash it again like you usually do. If it was setting lotion it isn't going to have any lasting effects after you wash it out.
The setting lotion is probably what dried your hair out. I only use distilled water to set my hair and my sets come out soft, bouncy and shiny.

ITA; I used to use Lottabody with EVERY rollerset; I tried it without it and it was soft and not crunchy. And yeah, a DC would probably get you back to normal.

It's 4a/4b mostly 4a looks like it and it's medium texture it's not extremely thick. lol yeah I was peepin around and I didn't see anymore hair stuff she uses except ORS oil sheen and some an old bottle of ORS shampoo. lol She said she ain't got any time or money to buy the products like my friend and I does lol She sticks to the basics.

(But hey you never know...She might not want me to know all her secrets lol :spinning:)

My hair has sooooo mcuh body but...ew it just feels...not like it should
It's 4a/4b mostly 4a looks like it and it's medium texture it's not extremely thick. lol yeah I was peepin around and I didn't see anymore hair stuff she uses except ORS oil sheen and some an old bottle of ORS shampoo. lol She said she ain't got any time or money to buy the products like my friend and I does lol She sticks to the basics.

(But hey you never know...She might not want me to know all her secrets lol :spinning:)

My hair has sooooo mcuh body but...ew it just feels...not like it should
Maybe she's a member here:grin:
Please! W/no leave-in conditioner? :huh: :rolleyes: :lachen: :p Maybe she just hid those, right? :look: W/o a leave-in conditioner and/or a protein, I think she it is a weave. :yep: If it's not a weave, then she is DEFINATELY not telling the OP something.
Definitely a possibility..........some people are just secretive like that. She may think that by telling the OP some of her secrets, her hair may start to look better than hers (jealousy is somethin' serious:grin:)
LOL @ maybe it's a weave. Yall know I'm nosy! I was all up in her head hehe loool. I even asked her if I could help her oil her scalp lol (of couse for my own intuition in mind lol) She's all real. :grin::yep::drunk:

You know maybe I mis judged her though...I can't even lie, Since she washed my hair it has had soooo much body. It's just a blowing in the wind loool. I even know it's getting longer cuz the wind started blowing.....i though a bug flew in my face...some kinda way it was my hair :grin:

And then I have a problem with straight wraps staying for awhile. My hair just gets limp after the 2nd day of wrapping and looks horrific. I haven't co washed since Friday (the day she did ym ahir) and my wrap still looks intact. I'm lovin that...but I gotta hurry UP and get my curly rollersets back cuz I keep peeping at my hair tryna watch it grow LOL

I don't think that wrapping lotion was good for me but everything else was okay. I think I'm just a hair snob cuz as soon as she pulled out the vo5 and Queen Helene I was like products are better than yours lOOOL (J/P)