So I know it's growing but... *sigh* shrinkage strikes again!


Well... I got some pretty decent progress pics this month and thanks to my color I now KNOW that my hair is growing... It just doesn't SEEM like it is. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. :wacky: I know shrinkage is a part of it but maybe I'm not doing enough protective styling so it's breaking as it's growing or something? I mean I'm careful with my hair, I don't comb it unless it's wet and I condition it like I own stock in Pantene. Aww hell, I don't know.

Oh well. I guess I just have to be happy with what I've got so far. I'm going to expand my MTG usage and see how that helps. And maybe get it straightened in a couple of weeks to see if I feel better about it.
Thanks Ladies! Overall I feel positive about my progress and have no intention of giving up my natural journey... Just gotta get strict about my regimens again.
Thanks Brownshugaz. It's so funny, I look back at how nervous I was about coloring my hair and I feel silly. lol I don't think I'll re-color for a long time, though since I like judging my growth this way.

I see you're making the transition as well, Lovely. Ain't those relaxed ends a pain in the butt? I never could get up the courage to do more than mini-chops though. Your hair looks SO healthy. Sheesh.
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy and my hair is much shorter than I thought too lol. But when you wash it and it's soaking wet and you stretch it out a bit, you see the length. :)
Awwww, don't get to discouraged by the shringkage. I used to really not like it when I first went natual.But after a while, I have just embraced it. I grew out my hair to about shoulder length, then had it cut(which I regret) but I am growing it back out.I like the shrinkage b/c if I feel like wearing it short, I can. If I want to show some length, I can. I just love my hair, and all the trials that we(me and the hair) go through! It will be okay! Btw, you are making wonderful progress! Just keep up the protective styling, and you will have the healthy, long hair that you have always wanted!:D
I agree with everyone else, your hair is definitely growing and it very pretty! Girl I know about shrinkage, I think mines in some spots is way over 50%. I'm waiting for my hair to touch my shoulders but I know that's gonna take a loooooooong :D
Just poppin back in to thank all you ladies for the positive encouragement. I always know where to come to get that boost I need...

Tonight i'll go to sleep and dream of a big ole Angela D. fro. :)