So I got what I deserved


When I hit waist I stop
You know I knew better and every instinct in my body was tellin me not to but I'm young so sometimes that means I'm stupid and i went ahead with it. I got my hair pressed like 2 days before X-mas (yea mad long ago but bear w/me)

I washed it out like a week and a half later and my hair didn't revert. Ok at first none of it would but slowly it started to come back, but yes there are spots in my head all the way to the root that is completely straight.

So last week sometime I decided that I couldn't take it and decided to trim some of the longer pieces of straight hair. Mind you that was like 2- 3 in, in some places, so my heart was on the floor.

Now last night I was braiding my hair, fine little box braids b/c I don't want to deal with my hair right not and I discover that some of damaged hair is starting to break of all things. I mean I've had breakage but never like this and never from heat damage.

Help me before I cry
I'm sorry to read about this :(. Are you gonna trim your hair down some? You may be able to get away not having to chop it all off if you trim it now to get rid of the damage. If you wait too long the hair may split up the shaft and ruin entire strands. Good luck on whatever you decide and dont beat yourself up about it :kiss:. Everyone makes mistakes, the best thing to do is just learn from it what you can and move on. -- jainygirl
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Some of it is in the middle of my head so I can get away with while gradually trimming it. The other piece is in the front so it's harder to try and cut it down to the root and get it ova w/.

I can tell you it was not a fun discovery at a 11 o'clock
Dry your eyes!!!!!! You know the drill.....Protective styles for the next 90 days!!!!! Moisture...Moisture.....Moisture!!!!!!! I did the same a little length...thought I was cute and hardhead :wallbash: equals softbehind :spank: hair reminded who was in now I am going back to my bun/surge/no heat challenge for the next 90 days.......You and I both learned a hard lesson.....and by the doesn't have anything to do with's your hair and you should be able to enjoy it every now and then!!!!!!


I'm sorry this happened to you! (((((Huggg)))))

but this is why we need to learn to listen to our instints more often... Your instinct told you to stay away from that heat, but nope! Didn't listen...and this is the result. Every time I read posts like yours, I cringe. Because I know if that were me...after 2 plus years of going w.o ANY form of heat...I'd be beating myself silly. I refuse to take the chance or believe my hair is Invincible, and take the heat plunge. None of that for me!

All I can say is...Stay away from the H E A T, period. Let there not be a "next time". Not everyone's hair can take it. No heat the best kind of heat. As for the permanently straightened/ damaged sections...your instinct is already telling you what your heart doesn't want to hear...sooner or later, you're gonna have to chop those ends off. Better sooner than later, in case the breakage continues up your hair strands.

After that...moisturize, deep condition, and love your hair as is! There are other, non-heat methods to stretch your hair. Good luck!

I'm sure you've learned your lesson. A lot of us had to learn the hard way about our hair. I know I have. One thing to always remember, always trust your gut instinct. I know you are going to do fine from now on, you'll get that length back soon. Keep your head up.
Wildchild, did you check out that thread for damaged hair? If you haven't, take a look at it and see if you think you'd like to try the damaged hair treatment routine.