So I got my first Phyto relaxer today


Active Member
And I thought it was PERFECT! Until I had to walk outside in the humidity!!!! :( My roots in the middle are curling up. I was DRIPPING in sweat walking home. Dripping. I was too through. I don't know what to think about the relaxer. I think I may request the Index II because I am almost positive this was the milder version (I did not even ask - duh). On the other hand, I actually like feeling the texture in my hair. My hair has more body, which I love. And it feels nice and strong. I just don't know how the straight styles will hold up. I will see how it goes for the rest of the week. Either way, I think I am sticking with Phyto, weather it's I or II. NO burning and lots of body. I think my hair will really like this relaxer.
So it's been two days and I am sticking with the Phyto. My hair just feels stronger. I am still going to talk to her about the index II though (assuming she used the milder version). But I do see why people rave about this relaxer. My hair feels great. It's expensive, but it will me worth it for me!