So I didn't quite reach my 2006 goal...but I'm thrilled!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi ladies,

My goal for 2006 was to reach APL. I didn't quite get there I think I still need another 2 inches or so. But I'm totally thrilled with the length that I have acheived and I'm thrilled with the thickness that I'm slowly but surely acheiving from texlaxing.

Anyway sorry I can't post any pics because of the hide your hair challenge...but all will be revealed soon.

Just thought I'd share :)
Congrats RabiaElaine! :clap:

I'm in the Hide-Your-Hair challenge also, and I'm not sure how long my hair has grown until I finally blowdry.

Keep on growing! :)
When I saw the thread title I was like I know Rabia is not about to break the challenge!!!:eek: :eek:

Cuz if you did I would have been right behind you:lol:

Congrats only 13 more days until we can post our pictures:D
sneaking in the thread because I thought Rabia was showing pictures. I chomped out 15 days early but I can't wait to see the progress of everybody....sneaking back out of the thread with my tail between my legs:p
tsmith said:
sneaking in the thread because I thought Rabia was showing pictures. I chomped out 15 days early but I can't wait to see the progress of everybody....sneaking back out of the thread with my tail between my legs:p

I'm sneaking in behind you! I'm taking pics tomorrow, and I thought I was getting a free pass here :lol: .

Congrats glad you're enjoying the health of your hair! APL is right around the corner ::grin:
OneInAMillion said:
I'm sneaking in behind you! I'm taking pics tomorrow, and I thought I was getting a free pass here :lol: .

Congrats glad you're enjoying the health of your hair! APL is right around the corner ::grin:

Right, I forgot about the free pass.:grin: can't wait to see your pics:p
Ha ha ha ladies! Sorry no pics yet. I took some though last week and even last night. I think I'm going pic crazy! I'm planning to take some tonight of my hair in a ponytail. I hope I'm not hyping you guys up too much because my hair still isn't long, but it's the longest it's ever been. I think I have 2 more good inches to officially reach APL without tipping my head back lol :lachen: . I really need to trim the ends but I'm not going to do that until after we post our pics.